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This is for @MyWarNotYours
Hope you enjoy, babe! (Pic is Evyn)

I waited across the street from the old school building, just far enough so I wasn't in trouble with their not smoking policy, and watched as kids of all ages ran to their parents' cars. It was a Friday afternoon, and everyone was ready to go home. Everyone, perhaps, except my darling daughter.

She came out of the red double doors staring straight at the ground, her little black beanie nearly falling off of her head. I laughed and put out my cigarette before it could poison her young lungs.

"Evyn!" I called for her, and her eyes shot up to greet mine, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Dad?" She ran the rest of the way into my arms, and I hugged her back tightly. "Mom was napping." I explained the change in routine, and she nodded nervously.

I tilted her chin up to look at me. "What's up, Ev?" She sighed. "My music teacher is making us all write an original piece as our final project." I couldn't stop the grin from taking over my face. "That's amazing, baby girl!" I kissed her forehead, my smile dropping when I saw the tears well up in her eyes.

"Evyn, baby, what's wrong? You love music-" She growled, cutting me off abruptly. "I can't write it, Dad! I can't!" The wheels began spinning I'm my head, and I frowned. "I thought the doctor said your dyslexia wasn't very bad?" She diverted her eyes to the pavement, and I let out a long sigh. "You can do it, baby girl, Mom and I will help you." I assured her, pulling her in for another hug before beginning our walk home.

Evyn ran straight to her room as soon as I unlocked the door, a very puzzled Devin staring after her from the kitchen. "Well 'hello' to you too." He grumbled, his voice still groggy from his nap earlier. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his midsection, resting my palms on his round belly.

Devin turned his head to kiss me, and I smiled against his soft lips. "How was your nap?" He pouted, batting his long eyelashes with a dramatic sniffle. "Your babies were beating me up." I chuckled and kissed him once more, letting our tongues graze each other's before pulling away to stare down at his baby bump.

"Were you guys this obnoxious when I was born?" Devin smirked and leaned his head back into my shoulder. "Even more so, if you can believe it, baby girl." Evyn scrunched her nose up in distaste, sitting down at the kitchen table with a sheet of blank staff paper in front of her.

Devin's eyes lit up, and he left my embrace to sit closer to our daughter. "What are you writing, hon?" Evyn shrugged. "I've got to write a piece for my final project." Devin frowned. "What's with such the long face, honey? You love music." I winced, not wanting to hear my two loves fight over this.

I interrupted before Evyn could speak. "What instrument are you writing for, Ev?" She seemed relieved by the question, a smile gracing her delicate features. "Would you mind if I played it on one of your guitars?" I pouted and whined playfully. "But they're my babies!" Devin wagged his manicured finger at me with a sassy look on his face. "And this is our very real baby, Richard! Go bring out your acoustic."

I stomped off, pretending to throw a tantrum until my husband gave me a swat on the rear. "Mom!" Our daughter screeched. "Virgin eyes!" We both laughed out loud, and I settled into a chair with my guitar.

Evyn had me playing around with chords for a few minutes before she decided on what she liked. "What's that one?" I rattled off the notes with no problem, continuing to strum until her troubled face got the best of me.

I set my guitar down and took a look at her paper, frowning at the jumbled mess on the page. "Baby, you flipped the notes here and here," I spoke softly and pointed to the mistakes, not wanting to agrivate my little hellbat. She huffed, going back to fix everything before we continued.

The process was long and grueling, even if her piece was only composed of simple chords and rhythms. Evyn would make a teensy mistake and get angry at herself. You could see the rage boiling behind her eyes, she was just like Devin in that way.

We had only finished half of the song when the phone rang. Devin stood up to answer it, and I pulled Evyn's chin up and out of her writing.

"I think we should take a break." She nodded, fists clenched. The small pink eraser on the table had been mostly used up, and I'm certain her hand was cramping. Knowing my daughter, she's probably got a headache as well, and she doesn't deserve to suffer longer than she must.

I kissed her forehead gingerly. "We've got all weekend, baby. Don't stress." She avoided my eyes and nodded. We both knew she wouldn't listen. Until this project was done, it would consume her. That would be more of my husband's stubbornness showing through.

Speaking of the devil, he reentered the room with a smile. "Alli cooked a big dinner, and we're all invited!" I rolled my eyes. "And what makes you think I want to eat with Ryan and his wife?" Devin put his hands on his hips and raised his brows. "If you want to eat at all, mister, you'll eat what Mrs. Sitkowski cooks for us."

Evyn was rolling on the floor laughing at us, and I gave her a playful glare. "What are you laughing at, missy?" She stood up and went over to her Momma. "Are the Cerulli's going to be there?" Devin hugged her and nodded. "No flirting with those boys, Evyn!" I warned, hearing her sigh as she rolled her eyes. "I'm thirteen, Daddy!" I shook my head and gave her Momma a kiss.

"You'll always be our baby, Evyn."

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