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Ghost was hogging the bathroom, his makeup spread out all over the counter top while he stood on his tip toes, leaned over to perfect his already flawless eyebrows.

He had already insisted on doing my makeup, and my face was now caked with expensive products to 'enhance my natural features.' Whatever that means.

"Chris, babe, can I wear one of your shirts?" Devin poked his fluffy haired head out of the bathroom, a cute pout directed at the lanky tattooed man who was busy setting up the camera.

Chris nodded. "Toss me one, while you're at it, Ghostie." Devin scurried over to the armoire and grabbed out a set of shirts. "Is the camera ready?" Chris gave the thumbs up, and I started to get nervous.

What if the fans didn't accept us? I almost started bawling at the thought of everything we've worked for going down the drain. Chris had literally spent his entire life working on this band, and I don't want to be the reason our careers get squandered.

A baby soft hand cupped my face, bringing my gaze up to meet Ghost's stormy grey eyes. His perfect brows were scrunched together, his concern fully focused on me.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He whispered, frantically trying to save my face from the makeup disaster that was on the horizon from my senseless crying.

I sniffled, but my anxiety wasn't going away anytime soon. "I needa smoke." I mumbled, pushing myself into a standing position with shaking hands.

Ghost shook his head, sitting down where I had once rested and pulling my body down into his lap with a worried frown. "You just finished a cigarette not ten minutes ago, Ricky. What's got you so worried, baby?" He gently caressed my cheeks, his large blue grey eyes widened and full of concern. "Chris, I think we need to put this off-" I cut him off with a needy sob, my whole body collapsing in on itself as I let the tears streak down my face.

"Shhhh, shhhh." Ghost cooed, running his neatly manicured hands through my hair to soothe me. "We're right here, Ricky. There's no need to cry." I felt another presence behind me, and I curled up further into Ghost's lap.

Chris picked me up without struggle, transferring my body to rest between them on the king sized bed, his large hand splayed out over my tummy protectively. "Baby..." He whispered, his breath fanning out over the nape of my neck in that way that always sent shivers down my spine. He was trying to coax words from my lips, but they wouldn't come.

My two lovers attacked my neck and face with kisses, leaving lipstick stains and faint hickies behind when they pulled back to try and speak to me again. "Baby, you have to tell us what's going on in order for us to help you." Chris rubbed my hip gently, and Ghost wrapped his arm around my waist.

I sniffled, turning to bury my face in Devin's fake breasts. Devin tangled a hand in my hair and kissed the top of my head in a loving manner. "Does this have anything to do with what I found in the bathroom cabinet?" My eyes peeled open wide, and Devin giggled.

Chris made a confused noise. "What did you find, Dev?" I sighed and turned to face my tall tattooed lover. His thumbs rubbed over my hips with a frown. "Baby..." I was pushing his buttons. Chris hated not knowing what was going on, and it was obvious in his behavior.

"I-I took a p-pregnancy t-test..." I looked down to avoid his gaze, afraid of seeing rejection in his warm brown eyes. "Ricky, look at me." I snuck a peak of his face, confused by the smile that had taken over his features. "Why are you smiling?" Devin giggled. "Because we love you, baby. And soon there's going to be more of you to love."

Chris nodded his head in agreement and placed a kiss on my belly. "A baby in my baby." I blushed bright red and tangled my hands in his hair to pull his face off of my stomach. "Ready to tell the world?" I sucked in a deep breath, smiling at the feeling of Devin kissing my neck.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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