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While on Wapred tour...

"Daddy!" My daughter wailed, kicking and screaming in my grasp as I held her, narrowly avoiding dropping her fragile self into the unforgiving floor of the bus. "Wan' Daddy!" She sobbed, pretty blue eyes glistening with tears from her fit.

I continued to bounce her up and down gently, knowing the one thing that would get her to truly settle was unavailable at the moment.

"Why does my niece sound like she's being tortured?" Balz demanded, hands on his hips with undeniable sass. I quirked an eyebrow and rubbed my sweet baby's back, noting that her screaming had died down a little. "She misses Daddy." I lowered my face to kiss her forehead. "Don't you, sweetie?"

My daughter responded with a wail, and Balz groaned. "Can you not at least try to shut her up?" He questioned, obviously bothered by the siren cries of my baby girl. I shook my head and rubbed her little back. "He's going to be back soon. Why do you think we put her down for nap before he left?" My sassy remark made him shut up, thankfully, and I was left to wait for Ricky in the company of our sobbing daughter.

"Oh, baby girl." I sighed. "Me wan' Dada!" I nodded and stood up, sliding into my vans in defeat. If she cried any longer, she would make herself sick, no doubt. Besides, the interview should be over by the time we walk over there. "I know, baby girl. We're going to see him right now." She sniffled. "Weally?" I chuckled at her sudden excitement. "Yes, baby, really."

I carried my, no longer screaming, daughter out of the bus and through the venue, only getting stopped once or twice because I had munchkin with me, and she would cry whenever I stopped paying attention to her to focus on a fan. Spoiled little thing, she is.

I slowed my pace as we entered the building where interviews were being held, listening carefully for my boyfriend's voice as I paused outside of each small room. Our baby girl didn't mind the tedious work, occupying herself by playing with my hair.

"-at tonight's show, actually." Bingo. The toddler in my arms squealed and started banging on the door. "Dada, lemme in!" The interview paused, and I heard Ricky and Chris both laughing before the door was opened to let us both in.

Ricky smiled the second he saw us, pulling me into a brief kiss as our daughter switched from my arms to his. "Dada!" She hugged him tightly, and Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. "Were you not being good for Mama, little Horror?" He tried to look at me to confirm his suspicions, but I avoided his eyes like the plague.

"Abigail Destiny Olson, were you throwing fits again?" She knew she was in trouble when her Daddy pulled out the middle name. I sighed. "Ricky, it wasn't a hassle, she just misses you, is all." He frowned down at our daughter. "We don't scream at Mama, do you understand me?" She nodded anxiously, reaching back towards me to escape her stricter parent.

Chris snapped his fingers to regain our attention. "Cwiss!" Abi squealed, her smile lighting up the room once more after she leaned over in my hold to kiss his pale cheek.

The interviewer cleared her throat. "I'll let you all get back to your family, if you would all like to say goodbye to the fans?" Abi giggled and waved towards the camera. "Buh bye!" Ricky and I kissed for the camera, and Chris groaned. "No more babies!" Our baby girl blew kisses to the camera, just like I'd taught her.

Once the camera stopped recording, the tattooed giant stole Abi from me and threw her up in the air, blowing raspberries on her belly every time he caught her. "Chris, if you drop my daughter I'll have your head!" I threatened, relaxing back into Ricky's chest. My lover started kissing down my neck, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the short moment of peace.

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