Mini Horrorless

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Good evening, bats and ghouls, this is an idea for a story I've been thinking of starting up, and I wanted to know if it sounds like something anyone would be interested in. Please drop a comment if you like and I'll think about posting more of the story in its own book.

The day was rather dark and gloomy, with clouds hanging low in the sky, weighted with rain that had yet to fall, and a crisp breeze to paint the children's cheeks and noses a vibrant red when the stepped into the wind.

The young kindergarten instructor had been persuaded by her pint sized audience to take them outside, despite the chill, because "it was supposed to rain soon, and then they wouldn't be able to play." A ridiculous excuse, but you'd be amazed what you do when an army of five year old children are screaming and crying to leave the classroom.

Instead of dealing with the meltdown, the smart teacher helped the children button their jackets and don their winter hats to venture into the great outdoors.

The teacher opened the floodgates, and the young army swarmed the playground like flies. Well, most of them did.

Not all of the kids ran off as eagerly as some. One little boy in particular was caught lingering near the door, his pale face hidden behind the scarf his Mommy had given him to wear earlier that morning. It was black, much like the rest of his wardrobe, with a small pumpkin embroidered on the end.

"Cameron, go play." His teacher encouraged the shy boy, offering her hand out to him for guidance. The poor kid was one of the youngest, and smallest, in the class. His teacher knew the other boys picked on him, but she made sure they got what they deserved after the fact.

The small boy stared down at his feet, watching his reflection in the patent leather of his boots. "Cameron, sweetie, is something wrong?" The teacher kneeled down to look into his clear blue eyes.

Cameron shrugged. He didn't really want to explain it to his teacher, but there wasn't anyone else he could physically talk to.

"Mommy and Daddy are leaving for tour tomorrow." He laced his tiny fingers together with a frown. "Daddy said I can't go because I has school, so I has to stay with Auntie Gaia." His teacher wrapped her arms around him tightly.

She had gone through a similar situation when she was his age. Well, it wasn't exactly the same, her parents had decided to run off to LA together and left her with her uncle. They hadn't come back, but Mr. Cerulli and Mr. Olson wouldn't dare leave their baby boy without planning on calling him every day.

One of the other kids came over to check on them, because teachers didn't usually hug kids unless something was wrong, and Wednesday hated when things went wrong.

"Teacher, what's wrong with him?" She couldn't quite see that it was Cameron, that is until the little boy separated from his teacher. "Cam?!" Wednesday ran to her friend, a deep frown on her face now that she realized who was hurting.

The slightly younger boy looked up at her with teary eyes. "H-hi We-
Wednesday." His lifetime friend hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Why is you sad, Cammie?" The little boy shook his head, putting his thumb in his mouth to comfort himself. His teacher sighed and pulled out her phone to send a quick text to the boy's parents. Such a sweet little kid shouldn't have to be at school when he's constantly on the verge of tears.

It hadn't been ten minutes since she texted Cameron's Dads when the familiar black sedan pulled into a parking spot across from the playground.

The young teacher scooped up the crying little boy, feeling sorry for him as she tried to get him to calm down. "Cam, look who's here." She rubbed his back, cooing to him in a gentle, almost motherly way.

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