Ash Costello X Chris Motionless

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Family time with the Cerulli's...

I waited in the swirling wind of the barren parking lot, arms crossed, high heel tapping, as my children bickered inside of our blacked out van.

"Whenever you boys are ready to listen to me, I'll take you to go see Daddy." I mumbled through my aching headache. Whatever made it seem like a good idea to have six boys was demonically possessed. I'd been listening to them fight over their Minecraft world for the past four hours, and I was about to chunck the iPads out of the car to meet their deaths on the freeway.

Vaine, who was a month away from being eleven, unbuckled himself and climbed out of the van to give me a hug. I raised an eyebrow, confused at his actions until I realized he'd had headphones in the entire trip. "I'm hungry." I sighed and looked in my Mom Bag for a snack. "Here." I handed him a bag of cheeseitz and he grinned. "You're awesome." I kissed his cheek, ignoring the grossed out face he made in order to talk to his younger brothers.

"Boys!" Nero burst out into tears, hiding his face in his blankie. "Mama!" He cried. "Hush, baby, Mama's right here." I pulled his blankie down to see his beautiful brown eyes, a color stolen from his Daddy. "Let's go see Daddy." He sniffled, clinging to my neck like a baby koala. "Otay."

Once I'd gotten him unbuckled and comfortably sat on my hip, I turned back to face his brothers. Coffin, Bones, Daemon, and Nyet all were looking at me with wide eyes. "Daddy's here?!" Bones jumped out of his seat to look around the empty parking lot, his anxious smile quickly replaced with a frown. "I don't see Daddy." I helped him down to stand next to Vaine. "Daddy's probably still sleeping, boys." They all nodded in understanding, and Coffin sighed.

"I wish I was still sleeping." I snickered, helping him down next. "I'm sure Daddy will let you take a nap in his bunk, Coffin." The young pessimist grumbled something with his head hung low, something I had no desire to inquire about. "Daemon, baby, come on out." I had to coax him out of the car, his twin, Nyet, following close behind.

Once everyone was out of the van, I locked up and began shepherding the kiddos towards the large nightliner busses.

We were first spotted by Korel, who looked to be on the phone with his own wife. "I'll call you back soon, hon, there's an army of Cerulli's coming my way." His comment made my munchkins laugh, and Vaine ran over to hug him. "Hey!" Korel picked my oldest son up and spun him around. "How's school, kiddo?" Vaine scrunched up his nose in distaste. "My teacher smells like old lady." His younger brothers all giggled, and I sighed.

Nero was starting to squirm in my hold, so I asked Korel if it was okay for me to step inside the bus. "Of course, go on in. I think Ricky already made coffee." I gave a sigh of relief. "Let's hope so, I sure as hell need some after driving with those six." Korel chuckled. "You made 'em." I flipped him off and turned to walk inside, a trail of children following me like good little ducklings.

Sure enough, the smell of coffee hit me as soon as I opened the door. My kids all inhaled deeply, all loving the caffeinated substance nearly as much as their father and I.

"Korel?" Ricky poked his head out from where he had been hiding behind a book, a look of surprise quickly taking over his face when he realized who was at the door. "How are my favorite nephews!" He jumped off of the couch and crouched down with his arms extended to hug my baby boys.

Daemon and Nyet started tugging on his hair teasingly, but I snapped my fingers to stop their goofing around before they hurt the poor bastard. "Is Chris still asleep?" A grunt sounded from the bunk alley, and I noticed Coffin had gone missing. "Shit."

A sleepy chuckle turned all five of the other boys' heads. "Daddy!" They shouted in unison, running and grabbing onto the closest part of Chris, hanging onto his body for dear life.

His warm brown eyes stared down into mine, a smile tugging at the corners of his pale lips as he glanced between our youngest son and I. "Coffin stole my bunk, the little rascal said he couldn't sleep in the car." I snorted and glared down at the twins. "I wonder why?"

Chris chuckled before swooping down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss, only pulling away when Nero began to fuss and cry. My husband stroked his soft baby hairs, and I smiled down at our youngest son. "Hey, baby." Nero yawned sleepily. "Are you gonna say hi to Daddy?" I asked my sleepy baby, bouncing him on my hip to help him wake up.

"Hi, Dada." Nero mumbled, burying his face back into my chest before he'd finished his sentence. I sighed. "You're grumpy." Chris chuckled and kissed the top of his head. "I'll go lay him down in the back." I nodded, kissing his lips as he bent down to cradle his arms under our son.

Now child free, I took a seat on the couch and laid my head on Ryan's shoulder. The kids busied themselves with their uncles, waking up and dragging Ghost and Vinny both our of their bunks to play.

Chris came back and tickled the twins. Daemon squeaked and crawled up into my lap. "Mama!" I hugged him tight and kissed all over his face. "Is Daddy being mean to my baby?" He pouted and nodded, and his brother patted the seat where I was sitting. "Hey!" I laughed, bending over to give him the attention he needed. "Hey, baby."

My husband gave me a pout, bending over with his brown eyes wide and pleading. "Daddy wants a kiss, too." I rolled my eyes, slipping an arm over his shoulder and around his neck to pull our mouths together in a kiss.

The twins pulled me back when they started to climb onto my torso, and their Daddy chuckled. "I see how it is." The guys shared a look in front of us, and Balz snickered. "They don't want any more little brothers." Chris reached over and playfully punched his keyboardist before scooping the twins into his strong arms and standing up to play with them.

"How's being in fifth grade, Vaine?" Chris groaned, sharing a look with me. "I could've sworn we just brought him home from the hospital a month ago, and he's almost off to middle school already." I laughed, messing with Bones' hair as he colored next to his Uncle Ghost.

Our oldest son shrugged. "School is boring. All everyone talks about is homework and stupid games." Ricky and Josh snickered. "Sounds like you go to school with Vinny." The tiny Italian drummer tried to protest, but Ricky was quick to point out that he was playing COD, so his argument was invalid.

"Fuck you, wiener boy." We all laughed. "Daddy, Vinny said a bad word." Daemon tattled, his twin nodding his head on Chris' other hip. "Vinny needs spankies!" Bones' head shot up, and Chris let his head fall back in laughter.

The poor drummer's face went white, and the rest of the band burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes, a yawn escaping my mouth after the exhausting day of travelling.

Chris, of course, noticed right away. "I think Mommy needs to have a nap." He looked between the twins around his waist. "We've got a show tonight, and I think a nap is in order for all of us." Daemon and Nyet both pouted, but didn't complain when I stood up and took them from their father.

"There's a spare bunk across from mine." Chris explained, leading me back through the tight hallway. "I'd lay down with you," he turned and placed a kiss on my forehead "but I think you've got plenty of snuggle buddies as is." I laughed, pecking his sinful lips before I crawled into the dark confines of the bunk.

Daemon and Nyet both snuggled into my chest, and I smiled down at them before looking back over at my gorgeous husband. "I love you." He grinned, still the same dork of a man I fell in love with on our first Warped Tour. "I love you too, Ash." He bent forward and kissed the boys' heads. "You're a beautiful woman, a talented musician, and the best damn mom a kid could ever ask for." Chris kissed me again, gently, this time, as if we were coming home from our first date again. "You're superwoman, and you're all mine."

I smiled, closing my eyes when Chris pulled the curtain shut. My life had turned out way better than I ever expected, all thanks to a lanky boy who smiled at me when I stepped out of a bandwagon.

I hope you guys enjoy. I've been going through a rough creative block recently but I think I'm beginning to pull out of it. Hopefully I'll update some more soon.

Stay sexy. Stay creepy. Stay strong.

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