Cricky + Baby Ghost

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Infintalism and nonsexual ageplay ahead...

Chris was downstairs making popcorn for a movie marathon, he'd told me to get comfy, but my mind was restlessly in motion. Our two year anniversary had passed not too long ago, and I was starting to get 'baby fever' as Ryan-Ashley put it.

I wanted to tell Chris about it, but I couldn't find the words. Knowing that we couldn't conceive our own children broke my heart, and adopting would require too much paper work for my liking, but I'd read about something that might fix our dilemma. That is, if Chris agrees to give in to my vision of becoming a family.

Deciding that there was no better time than the present, I stormed downstairs with a look of determination. A look that dissipated when a knock came to the front door.

"Baby, can you get that?" Chris called from the kitchen, his hands probably full of popcorn yumminess. "I got it!" I hollered back, grasping the doorknob firmly to open the door.

I gasped, terrified by the sight in front of me. There, on our front porch, stood a shivering little Ghost. His pigtails knotted and uneven as if he'd been wrestling a bear, and his skin was blue from the bitter Scranton winter. I saw tear tracks down his face and I immediately went into mother hen mode.

"Ghost, sweetheart, come inside." I pulled him into my arms and slammed the door shut, worried that, if I let him go, he'd disappear. "Chris! Bring me a blanket!" My husband's head poked out of the kitchen, and his warm brown eyes fell upon little Devin with curiosity. "Ghost? You alright, man?" I picked Devin up like a toddler and carried him to the couch, coddling him to help him warm back up. "Does he look okay, Christopher?" My husband raised his hands in surrender, retreating to the hallway to get me the blanket that I'd asked for.

Once he was snuggly wrapped and cuddled up into my chest, I turned to address Chris. "Will you call Kylie and ask if she knows anything?" He nodded and got up to grab his cell phone, coming back with a pissed expression on his makeup-less face.

"Well?" I questioned quietly, not wanting to disturb the cutie pie on my lap. Chris ran a hand through his disheveled hair, the angry look directed at the floor. "Ghost fell into his little space when Kylie was still home, and she flipped the fuck out." He took a deep breath. "She was saying all sorts of shit she has no right to accuse him of. This is his way of coping, so I told her to fuck off." My eyes widened. "Devin is a little?" Chris laughed out loud, bending over to kiss me on the lips. "You're a little out of the loop, aren't ya, babe?" I flipped him off, turning to refocus my attention on the cutie in my arms.

Devin turned his head to look up at me, his eyes shining with the innocence of a newborn child. Chris sat down next to us, and I bit my lip out of habit. "Got something to say, beautiful?" My husband asked, his voice huskier than usual. He had leaned his body in to speak softly, his breath intimately grazing my ear.

I gulped. It's now or never. "Chris, can- I really want a-a-a-" He nipped at my earlobe. "A baby?" I nodded, unable to verbally respond.

In that moment, the cutie on my lap seemed to perk up. "Meez bwaby!" He squealed excitedly, his little body practically shaking in anticipation for our next few words.

Chris chuckled. "Yes, you sure are, Dev." I watched him reach out to lay a protective hand on Devin's back. "Do you want Ricky to be your Mommy, and me to be your Daddy, baby?" His little head started bobbing up and down so fast, I thought he would hurt himself. "I wike dat." He snuggled deeper into my chest, and I let a single happy tear fall from my left eye.

We stayed cuddled up together on the couch for a few minutes, until I heard Devin whimper.

"What's the matter, baby?" I lifted him up off of my chest, and I spotted our little problem almost immediately. "Oh, sweetie, I think we need to get you some diapers." I kissed his forehead, not wanting to make him feel bad for having an accident. He was just a little baby, after all.

"Chris, would you mind running to the store to pick up some diapers? Devin had an accident." I explained. Chris nodded and kissed my lips before standing up. "I'll be back." He gave Devin a kiss on his cheek before he slid on some vans and a beanie to leave for the store. "Love you." He called, shutting the door behind him and leaving me alone with our messy baby.

I stood up, taking Devin with me, and began to walk towards the master bathroom. "I think my baby needs a bath." Devin giggled. "Yaya!" I smiled, starting the water and checking to insure it wouldn't burn my little one. "Let's get you out of those messy clothes." I cooed, laying Devin down on the vacant countertop to strip him. He squirmed a little, but I figured he was just cold.

The bath filled quickly, and soon I had sat Devin in the water to wash him. The little one squealed and splashed around, making it rather difficult to clean him off. "Devin, you need to be still while I wash your hair. I don't want you to get soap in your eyes." I warned, beginning to lather the sweet smelling product into his matted hair.

Devin continued to splash and babble, until a drop of shampoo slid into his eyes. "Ah! Owwie!" He screeched, obviously in pain as he scrubbed at his little eyes with balled up fists. "Mommy, mwake it bwetter!" He cried into my chest, dripping water and soap down my shirt in the process.

I shook my head and sighed. "Devin, baby, what did I tell you when I started on your hair?" He sniffled. "Not ta move." I used my hands to wash the soap out of his hair, getting a washcloth for his burning eyes. "This is why you need to listen to Mommy, Devin, so you don't get owwies." He whimpered, holding up his arms for me to lift him out of the water in a towel.

He continued to cry and sniffle while I dried him off, molding himself to my chest and trying his damndest to not be separated. By the end of this struggle, I had absorbed more water than the towel had.

"Honey, I'm home!" Chris called from the front door, making Devin squeal. "Dada!" He greeted my husband in a cute baby voice, and Chris kindly returned it with a kiss on the top of the head. "Did you end up giving Mommy a bath, Dev?" I groaned, ripping open a package of diapers for my baby. "Devin likes bath time a little too much." Both of my boys laughed while I searched through the grocery bags for everything I needed.

Diapers, check. Baby powder, check. Wipes, which I won't need until later, check.

I placed the diaper under Devin's cute little butt and began the process of powdering his genitals and taping everything closed. When I finished, I bent down and blew raspberries on his tummy, smiling at his adorable shrieking giggle.

"All done!" I kissed his forehead and picked him up. "Let's go see if Daddy bought you any toys." Devin nodded excitedly, bobbing his head along with every step I took.

The living room floor had a little section in front of the couch with a soft blue blanket spread out for Devin to play on. On top of the blanket, Chris had placed a number of baby toys, including stacking rings, blocks, and some assorted stuffies.

I laid Devin down on the blanket before going off to find my husband, who was putting things away in the kitchen cabinets.

He'd purchased bottles, formula, baby cereals, and two big purple pacifiers. "Here." Chris handed me one of the pacis to give to Devin, and I stood up on my tip toes to peck his lips. "I love you, Mr. Cerulli." He wrapped both arms around my waist to bring our lips together in a longer kiss. "I love you more, my little Horror."

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