Kuza X Ghost

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Thank you so much to @burnyourlocalchurch for helping me out with the plot for this one. You're fucking awesome!

I bit my lip, staring out the window of the nursery at the snow as it fell from the grey sky above. Devin was downstairs baking his heart out in preparation for the holiday that was on the horizon. All of the different scents were making me a little queasy, so I reluctantly excused myself upstairs to escape my own nausea. Although, moving my nine month pregnant self from the living room couch to the nursery took more effort than I had been anticipating.

My son kicked against the right side of my rounded belly, and I grunted in discomfort. "I love you to fucking death, but I want you both out of me." I rubbed the spot where he had kicked, my gaze moving to the small Christmas tree Devin had insisted on putting up in the boys' nursery.

"We'll put a present under their tree for every month we've waited for them." Devin smiled, pecking my bare belly and leaving behind a large maroon lipstick stain. "My three favorite boys."

Admittedly, at first, I thought the idea was dumb. The boys are going to be too small to enjoy their gifts when they get here, anyways, so what was the point of wrapping them and putting them under a special tree? I wasn't going to question what made my queen smile, though, I knew better than that, and it turned out to be much more special than I had first imagined.

Instead of the usual baby gifts of small teething toys and outfits, which had been given to us in enormous quantities by both of our families, bands, and even a few caring fans, Devin and I picked out something to represent every month of my pregnancy.

The first present was a photo album full of pictures of Devin and I, the very last one being of my shirtless body the day we found out I was pregnant. I laughed at the memory.

I stared back at my reflection, mouth agape in shock. My hand shook, and the grip I had on the small piece of plastic faltered, causing the test to fall to the floor with a clatter.

"Motherfucker!" I cursed, yanking on my overgrown hair with a sigh. I knew I should have been more careful when I let Dev top. I hadn't been prepared the night he asked to experiment, and now I knew why the doctor's always made funny comments at my yearly checkups.

I felt both boys kick, and I whined out loud. "You guys are meanies." I held my belly in my hands, staring down at it with a pout. I just stared for a moment, picturing what the two of them looked like all curled up in my belly together with a stupid smile on my face.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Devin poked his head in, a worried look on his makeupless face. "Mikey, are you okay?" I nodded, rubbing around my bloated stomach to calm the boys down. "Yeah, the boys were just getting a little too excited when they smelled what Mommy was cooking." Devin laughed, stepping into the room and bending down to kiss my bump.

"Mikey, put your hand under mine." Devin giggled, shoving at my face playfully to get me to stop kissing on his neck. "I wanna take a picture!" I rolled my eyes, capturing his lips in mine for a brief moment before relenting and following his instructions.

"Dev, you take pictures of my belly almost every day-" Devin cut me off before I could even finish whining. "Our family, friends, and fans, want to know how our babies are doing." He kissed me again, lingering for a little longer this time. "Besides, I love taking pictures of my sexy husband shirtless." I chuckled, rubbing the bump that was slowly but surely stretching out my poor tattoos. "I love you." Devin snapped the picture. "I love you more."

"I've got to go out and get a few more things for dinner tomorrow. Are you going to be okay here by yourself?" I nodded, tilting his chin up in order to kiss his lips. "Be careful, Dev, the roads aren't so hot." He laughed. "I've driven in worse, even if I am from California, but I'll make sure to be extra careful." He pecked my lips. "For my babies."

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