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This is your smut warning: enjoy motherfuckers

Vinny swallowed the lump in his throat, desperately willing himself not to blush as he knocked on the door to the private set.

This was far from his first time doing an interview. He ran a successful blog and had turned talking to strangers into a full time career. He just normally interviewed street performers or musicians, this was his first time being so close to what he would politely call adult entertainers.

Honestly, he probably wouldn't have been worried if these porn stars were women, or even the mainstream variety dudes every other gay boy fawned over. Nope, these just had to be the men who were exactly his type.

The door opened and a heavily tattooed man with angel bites smiled at the nervous looking journalist.

"Vinny, right?" He motioned for the smaller boy to come inside. "I'm Balz, the director. I'll be supervising." He gestured over to a rather large couch occupied by four devilishly handsome men.

Even just sitting there, they all looked like they were ready to be shot for the goth equivalent of Vogue.

"We've got cameras already set up, so don't worry about that." Vinny nodded, and Balz didn't miss the way he licked his bottom lip in anticipation. "Go get comfy. Be careful though." He smirked at the frightened look in the reporter's eyes. "Ricky likes to bite."

Vinny, unsure of which one was Ricky, stared at the four men on the couch with even more fear.

He watched as the one with a deathhawk whispered to the feminine boy in his lap, his tattooed hand extended as he crooked his finger in a "come here" motion.

"As cute as you look standing there like a lost puppy, we've all got places to be, so get your sweet little ass over here and get started."

All Vinny could do was blush at the comment as he scrambled to get his mic and set of questions out of his small pack he carried into the studio.

"Awe, Chrissy, don't be so mean." A small boy, about Vinny's same size, leaned over to the giant and kissed on his neck.

Once Vinny had gotten himself settled in a chair next to the couch, he signalled to Balz that he could begin recording.

"Hey guys, it's Vinny, and today I'm here with the guys over at Motionless And White studios, as per popular request." Vinny forced a signature reporter grin and turned to the guys on the couch. "Just to get started here, I'll let you guys introduce yourselves and maybe just state what you're best known for."

The feminine boy snatched the microphone almost immediately, smiling sweetly with his overdrawn lips. "I'm Ghost, and I've got the best ass on planet Earth."

The man he was sitting on smirked and made a show of grabbing the plush pale flesh that poked out from under his leather bootie shorts.

Ghost handed him the mic and he tossed the camera a wink. "I'm Chris. I do a lot of violent scenes and destroy a lot of twinks."

He passed the microphone to his left, and the blue eyed twink took it with a giggle. "I'm Ricky. I'm a twink that likes getting destroyed."

The last guy to get the microphone had slicked back hair and a very serious face. He reminded Vinny of a serial killer.

"I'm Ryan. I tie people up."

Vinny gulped, glancing down at his notes to avoid the piercing grey eyes of the possible murderer in the end of the couch, much to the amusement of the others.

"So, guys, I've got some fan questions. First one, have you ever faked an orgasm?"

Chris snorted, shaking his head, and a resounding no came from Ricky and Ryan.

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