Almost as if You Knew

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This is a chapter I wrote for the lovely Lexibrie1986 if you like it, definitely check out her story. The title is the same as this chapter title.

Prom night. An infamous fountain of underage drinking, sex, and rebelling against the word of your parents. It was the one night teenagers were given to dress up and pretend to be irresponsible adults. A night of chaos and meaningless one time kisses.

A night I wasn't going to participate in.

I giggled at my reflection in the mirror, wondering just how I got to this point. I felt happy, for once. All thanks to the most amazing man in the universe.

Chris had asked me out on a date, saying that “spending all night in a gym full of sweaty teenagers was nothing in comparison to being alone with me.” So, instead of getting all dressed up and facing the judgmental eyes of our peers, we would be enjoying the company of one another alone.

Of course, I still wanted to look good for my man, so I'd spent all day out shopping with my mom. She was so happy that I finally had a genuine smile on my face, and was more than excited to get to spend the entire day with me.

We had even gone out and gotten our nails done; mine with a simple black nail polish, and hers given acrylic claws to “kill a bitch” if she needed to.

I missed just getting to spend time with my Mom, and it was refreshing to get to laugh and enjoy being pampered without worrying about anything going on at home.

We had gotten home just two hours before Chris was supposed to pick me up, giving me just enough time to shower and make myself look decent before the love of my life walked through the front door.

My usual plain black eyeliner was replaced with an intricate layer of shadows in all different shades of grey, a hint of black just in the crease to give my eyes more depth. It had taken me forever to figure out how to blend it all out, but the end product was something that I knew would blow Chris away.

I was finishing the final touches on my hair with the straightener when I felt two arms wrap around my middle. I let out a little squeak, and Chris chuckled.

“Doing your hair by candlelight.” He hummed, kissing up my neck with a smirk. “You're so goth.” I rolled my eyes, unplugging the straightener and turning around in his arms to face him and give my love a proper kiss. “You love it.”

A low growl rumbled from deep in Chris's throat. “I love you.”

Three words that sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach do flips inside of my chest.

“I love you too.”

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and I was able to take in all of his unearthly beauty.

His lips must have had magnets buried deep inside of his skin, because I couldn't keep mine off of them.

I was thanking gods I don't believe in for liquid lipstick as our lip rings collided and our tongues danced together in the heat of our own two mouths. His hands gripped my hips tightly, pulling us together until I swear our hips were welded together by the power of our embrace. I had my own fingers tangled in his hair, using the long black strands to anchor myself to his being before I could drift away in the essence of his lips.

The flash of a camera made us pull away, eyes wide, pupils still dilated in our trance. My mother giggled and tossed a box of condoms on the bed.

“I'm having a ladies night with my book club.” She gave Chris a pointed look. “You better keep my baby safe.”

I blushed like a cherry, and Chris pulled me into his side with his signature grin. “Don't you worry, Mama Bear.” He made a show of kissing my forehead. “We'll be safe and sound and all snuggled up by the time you get home.”

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