MIW x KUZA (p2)

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Two years later...

Ricky's POV

Touring had turned our little family into an absolute madhouse. Clothes were strung out on every surface, diapers and wipes stacked up in bulk in every corner, and four toddlers running ammuck. Need I not forget to mention that Devin and I were the only ones home to deal with all four of them. We barely had enough arms to hold their hands!

Kuza was touring with his own band; a composition of a couple old friends and a few new kids that wanted a start in the metal scene. It was definitely a challenge getting used to him having more to do than manage merch and draw. The kids were especially finding it hard to adjust to having to be split up and hauled around to our separate workplaces.

We try our hardest to try and schedule tours that aren't going to be as harsh on the kids, but we can only do so much.

Mike would be getting home tonight around dinner time, and then we would all leave for Warped in the morning.

One pissy manager, two buses, three sets of love birds, four techs, five tents, six tables, seven shirt designs, eight amps, and nine kids. We were going to be in for a hell of a summer.

"Anna Marie!" I shouted, running after the two year old terror in hopes of catching up before she made it to the stairs. She was butt naked and giggling, but that smile would disappear if her bare tushie fell down the hardwood stairs.

I managed to snag her by the arm, ending her game of chase. "Don't run from me like that again, baby girl." I scolded her, slightly winded from the small amount of exercise required to catch up to her. "You're gonna give me a heart attack, one of these days." I sighed, carrying her back to the room she shared with her little sister and laying her back onto the changing table with a huff. "Now, where were we?"

I had only just gotten Anna's diaper taped on when Helen woke up screaming. I picked her up, holding her on the opposite hip as her older sister. "Good morning, my little Hellbat." I cooed, kissing her forehead when she quieted down. "Let's go find out what Mama Ghost is cooking." I spoke in an excited voice, smiling when they both laughed at my silliness.

We found Devin in the kitchen, dancing around as he mixed up a pot of oatmeal and fruit. Both boys were in their high chairs, ready to eat, and the girls soon joined them.

"Good morning, love." Ghost ducked his head to give my short ass a kiss, which I returned greedily. Zach banged his little fists down onto his tray, a grumpy little frown on his face. I laughed. "Let's get the gremlins fed, before they turn on us." Devin rolled his eyes and dished up the food.

I grabbed my bowl and sat in front of Alexander to help him eat, since he was the youngest. Devin's phone went off, and all four of the kids turned their heads to stare at the object. "Who dat?" Anna asked in between bites of oatmeal. "Ya, who?" Zach and Helen echoed in stereo.

Devin checked the text message, and his plump lips curled into a grin. "Daddy is on his way home." The kiddos all cheered, and Alexander clapped his teeny hands.

Anna reached out towards the phone. "Me talk!" Devin and I laughed. "Baby, he just texted he's not actually on the phone." I tried to explain. "I wanna talk to Daddy!" Anna exclaimed, kicking her little legs in protest.

Her younger siblings decided to follow her lead, and soon we were sitting in a kitchen full of screaming heathens.

I turned and gave Devin a glare. "You started this." He stood up and cocked his hip out. Honestly, he looked cuter than he did angry, but no way in hell would I tell him that and fear the wrath of my beautiful Ghost.

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