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I don't think she ever wondered why she didn't look like Gaia. Her big blue eyes looked up to her no less from her two foot tall stature than her self proclaimed twin.

Her sister was not only taller, but was a visual replica of her mother. I suppose my genes must be recessive, because neither of my daughters resemble me in the slightest.

"Persephone, sweetheart, don't be so loud." I chuckled to myself, sitting up in bed to await my three gorgeous ladies.

Coming home from tour had worn me out, both physically and emotionally. I'd slept for almost a solid day, and it was driving the girls mad.

"Daddy's been asleep forever, though!" I heard the frustration in Calypso's voice, and Gaia sighed. "I know, sweetie, why don't you and Persephone go and snuggle with Daddy in bed?"

The roar of little feet on the black hardwood made me smile. Not a moment too soon, my bedroom door was thrown open and two precious toddlers were climbing up into my bed.

Calypso's eyes lit up when she saw that I was awake, and she hastily yanked her sister up to see. "Percy, wook!"

I bent over to wrap my arms around the two little girls, and they both giggled wildly. "Daddy! Yous awake!" Calypso squealed, kissing my cheek with her pouty pink lips.

"Girls, not so loud!" Gaia poked her head into the room with a hiss, probably still believing I was asleep.

I smirked in her direction, bringing my babies up in my arms to blow raspberries on their teeny bellies.

My fiancé laughed, stepping into the room with a sparkle in her hazel eyes. "How was your nap, Daddy?" I smirked, kissing her lips briefly, which earned little giggles from our girls.

"That was the best sleep I've gotten in weeks." I stretched out my arms, thankful to finally be out of the coffin I called my bed for the past two months. Being able to comfortably stretch out and sleep for a long while gave me the perfect opportunity to think about what I was going to tell Gaia when Ricky came over.

Persephone absentmindedly began to trace the tattoos on my neck, and my breath caught in my throat. "Daddy, when I get bigger, can I draw one of your pictures?" A smile that physically hurt my face grew on my face infectiously. "Of course, baby girl."

Gaia snapped a picture of us while I was still shirtless, both girls snuggled up to me in their pajamas. Calypso began trying to braid my hair, and her sister giggled. "Mommy, do me!" Persephone crawled over to sit in Gaia's lap, eager to have her hair played with.

I laughed, content with watching my girls together for the first time since tour.

But our small moment of peace couldn't last forever. My phone began to ring on the nightstand, the familiar picture of my guitarist filling up the screen.

Gaia, seeing who it was, immediately frowned. "Why's he calling?" I sighed. No matter how hard I tried, I could never make her see him as anything other than a whore. "Gaia, he's my best friend-" She cut me off with a dramatic scoff. "He's also the man who seduced you and then left you with his baby, Chris! He's a rotten scumbag, I don't know how you can't see it."

With a roll of her eyes, she picked up both of the girls, making a point of kissing Persephone on her pale forehead as she snuggled up to the only mother she had ever known.

"Rick, right now really isn't a good time-" He growled into the receiver, and I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Rick?"

"I'm outside." Gaia must have heard him, because she instantly pulled the girls closer.

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