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This one goes out to @MyWarNotYours because she asked so kindly. Sitkolson isn't usually my thing, but I hope I've done it some justice. That being said, I've finally gotten off of my pay arse and gotten a job, so I will be posting the second part sometime next week.

Ryan's POV

I was freaking out over every little thing, these days. I could see one cloud in the sky and start sobbing about some storm that hasn't even happened yet. I was constantly on edge, and my first reactions were to cry and put my hands on my bloated belly, which really put off a few members of the band.

Vinny thought it was just fucking weird, the fact that a male could get pregnant, and Ricky....

Ricky was in denial.

Before I found out I was expecting a little bean, I'd been in a relationship with my fellow guitarist. We were inseparable, and I'd dreamt of the day when he would ask me to marry him and we would be together for all eternity.

Our fans supported us, our friends supported us, and our families supported us, but none of that mattered after I dropped the baby bomb.

"What do you mean, you're pregnant?" He took a step closer to me, staring into my eyes with a harsh glare. "You can't be pregnant. We used protection, and you're a guy." Ricky snarled. "You just want the attention, you fucking whore! I bet you cheated on me, didn't you, and this is how you're going to convince me to stay. News flash; that's not how relationships work."

I whimpered and backed up until my back was pressed firmly up against the wall, caught between a rock and a hard place.

I tried to reach out and touch his face, but Ricky flinched back. "I don't want your whore hands on me!" He growled. "Go do us all a favor and abort the vile thing!"

His words still hit my heart with enough force to make me cry. I'd hoped that Ricky would be happy, because I knew he'd make a great Daddy, but he's made it clear that he wants nothing to do with me or my daughter.

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly wiped away my tears before turning to see what they needed. "What's up?" Ghost pulled me in for a tight hug, his motherly instincts kicking in as he cooed into my ear and rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"Don't you worry 'bout a thing, RyRy." He kissed me on the cheek, and I blushed bright red. "You've got one more show, and a signing, then we get to go back home and wait for our little Cleo." Ghost smiled up at me, and seeing him so happy made it hard not to smile back, which ended us both erupting into a fit of giggles on the side of the stage.

Chris came up from behind and caught his boyfriend in his arms, winking in my direction as he gave his lover a short kiss. "Did you want to sing the song we wrote for her tonight, since it's the last show before she gets here?" I nodded, staring off towards the corner where Ricky was warming up, deliberately avoiding looking anywhere near me.

"Motionless on stage in 30. 29. 28..." The stage hand interrupted my thoughts, and I watched as Vinny ran out to his drum kit to greet the waiting crowd. Ricky, disregarding the lineup order, ran out next, and Ghost looked more than a little pissed.

Chris rolled his eyes and grabbed me by the hand. "Are you ready?" He waited until I grabbed my guitar to let go of me, and Ghost took his place. "Let's go fuck shit up." We ran, or waddled, that was probably a more accurate discription, onstage after Balz, and the crowd went nuts.

"Are you fucking ready, Pittsburgh?!" Chris growled into the microphone, cueing our first song of the evening; Scissorhands.

Halfway through the set, I started getting stomach pains, but I ignored them. At eight and a half months along, false contractions weren't uncommon, so I did my best to tough through it.

Devin gave my belly a sweaty rub, and I laughed along with Chris and Balz. "This next song goes out to who will soon be the newest member of Motionless in White, the littlest creature, Cleo Sitkowski!"

Balz began the piano intro, and the crowd settled down for the sappiest piece of our entire career.

I never wanted anymore
Than what I thought I had
The tears in my eyes
Just prove that I'm a mess
But when I stop to think about
Everything I'll do for you
I realize inside that this life
It isn't mine
It's yours

I may not be the best thing in this world that you could have
But I'll make fucking sure
I'm worth it in the end
If you could see all the pain and suffering
I put myself through for you
You'd realize this life inside
Isn't mine
It's yours

I could care less what others say
About my brothers and our ways
Because you're the center of my world
Their voices won't change a thing
I'll never give you up or let you fall
This life may be hard
But you are so strong

This life isn't fair
And the world is out to get you
But when you feel like you can't take it anymore
Remember that I'm here to soften your fall
This life I lead outside
The home I hold so tight
Everything I ever do isn't just mine
It's yours

I ended the song with a guitar solo, and I think I saw a few fangirls crying in the front row.

I felt another pain in my lower stomach, and I doubled over with a scream. These were definitely not false contractions. I was going into labor.

My eyes were clenched shut, so I couldn't see who it was, but I felt someone's hands gently cup my face. "Shit, baby, I'm so, so, sorry."

To be continued.....

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