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This was written by the very lovely and talented burnyourlocalchurch

Chris "We will never, and I mean never get a surrogate again." I growled holding Mike to my chest. He was still silently sobbing into my chest. 

I stroked his messy hair softly and left light kisses on his face. "We should have let Devin be the surrogate. He offered. Why wouldn't you let him?" Kuza asked sitting up. 

His eyes were red and puffy from crying all day. His eyebrows were smudged halfway off. I bet I mirrored him."I didn't want him out for a long time again. He just got back from maternity leave. He also could get addicted to being pregnant. He also could die. I didn't want him to do any of that." I pulled Kuza closer to me and rubbed his back.

"We're adopting from now on." I said softly.I felt Kuza nod but I also felt his heart break even more than it already had.This morning our son was born... 2 months too early. We were allowed to see him but we were told why he was born so early.

Apparently, the surrogate had a druggie boyfriend and indulged in the drugs with him, along with drinking and smoking cigarettes. Our baby, Tyler, was born addicted to everything illegal she did while pregnant. Being premature and all he was already small but being subjected to all the drugs he was even smaller. Hearing the doctor say that my blood boiled and Kuza fainted.

That woman is now in jail and I wish, oh I wish I could kill her. We were told if he lives, he'll have memory problems, depression, and most likely have schizophrenia. She caused this. That woman. 

She's the reason my baby's going to suffer. He was going to be tall like his parents. He's going to be smaller than ever. He's going to be in pain his whole life because of her. I hate her so much. Kuza sniffed softly. 

"I want to go home. We won't be able to see him for a month anyway. Chris, just take me home." Kuza softly cried as he sat up. We had been sitting a long one of the hospital walls, crying for hours. I knew Kuza just want to go to sleep and rest for a while.

I just wanted him to be the happy man I had married. 

Ever since the call about Tyler being born, he's been submissive to me and crying and quiet. I nodded at him and helped him up and he hugged me tightly. "I just want him to be okay." He whispered. 

2 years later

Third Person 

Chris had found work as a chorus teacher at a nearby high school to bring money in as Motionless In White was taking a year off. Little Tyler would come with his mother to visit for lunch every so often. 

Everyone loved Tyler. 

Chris knew better. 

They only loved Tyler because of what happened. 

Tyler, who was still addicted, had to visit the hospital every two months to be hooked up to this new machine that would help get every bad thing out of his system. It helped some, but the doctors said sugar and plenty of rest and memory cards would help him get better. Being a teacher had its perks. 

Some kids were very passionate about singing and participated. They were good students who helped out Chris with the students who didn't. Those students, Chris didn't care for. He knew they took the class just to goof off. But Chris had them clean everything up at the end of the day so there wasn't much goofing off anymore.

One weird perk was that the principal had a thing for Chris. She gave him a higher pay because he was cute and it would help out with Tyler. Chris told Kuza about her and Kuza laughed.

"Give her what she wants, babe." Kuza said cooking dinner.

"I'm a married man!" 

"You're a married man who's getting money from someone who like you. Do it." 

"No! That's disgusting. Why do you want me to do it?" 

"You're quitting after this year, right?"


"She'll pay you more afterwards. Trust me."Chris chuckled. 

"You've done this before haven't you?"

"Maybe."Chris did what his husband said and did indeed get an even higher pay.

Tragedy struck a week after that.

It was a Monday night and Tyler had started to throw up blood and have seizures. He was rushed to the hospital but the doctors gave bad news. 

 "He's dying, Mr. Cerulli. He won't last the night." The doctor said softly. Kuza broke down beside his son's bed and Chris did the same. 

They were losing their only child. Their baby was dying. That woman was killing their baby. She may be in jail but she's killing their baby.

Chris felt boiling red hot anger go through him as he saw his innocent baby boy hooked up to every machine in the room. Chris looked at his husband and felt even more anger. His husband was suffering. His husband was upset.

Kuza had been an emotional wreck all day because of that very day begin the anniversary of the day his sister died. It was bad enough that his son was dying too.

Chris moved and held his son's hands and kissed his forehead.

"I love you, baby. You know that, right?"

"Yes, daddy." Tyler said weakly.

His poor body was pale and bony.

Kuza couldn't speak and just simply kissed his son's forehead.

"Mommy loves you too. Did you know that?" Chris asked.

Tyler nodded. "I loves yous and Mommy."

Tyler gave a big smile and nuzzles his mother's arm.

Chris and Kuza both looked up at the heart monitor as it started to slow down.

Kuza started to cry even harder and Chris began to cry. His baby was slipping away from him.

"I love you." Kuza whispered kissing his son's cheek.

Chris did the same.

The heart monitor slowed even more.

The couple kissed the forehead of their son and said their goodbyes.

The heart monitor let out a long monotone beep.

Tyler was dead.

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