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This one is just.... Weird... Enjoy!

Kuza's POV

I busied myself by setting up the merch table, uncomfortable with all of the glares I've been receiving ever since we parked the RV. In all honesty, I was sick of the whispers and the looks. It had been happening ever since I made the announcement on Instagram, which really bummed me out. For once, I thought that maybe I could do something right. Something that didn't get me shunned and called obscene names unfit for fragile ears. I just wanted to be somebody's hero, but all I've done, so far, is fuck up my baby's life.

Yes, I'm pregnant, so are Chris, Balz, Ryan, Angelo, and Devin. Ricky was, but he gave birth to his baby girl nearly a month ago.

Of course we were all confused as hell when we found out, but it turns out that there was a special hormone in Ghost's muscle milk that grew our wombs. It's scary shit, but I guess it all could have been avoided if we didn't have so much anal sex on the bus.

The first few months were hell, this tour. Ghost knocked Ricky up within the first week, sending Chris into panic mode over the band. He didn't want to lose the record label over a single kid, but that didn't stop him from fucking Angelo after nearly every show.

Korel talked the label into keeping MIW, but on the condition that the band and its crew would turn the accident into an example of alternative parenting, backed by altpress. You can imagine the grins they had on their greedy little faces when we showed up to sign the agreement with every member pregnant.

However, some of the fans didn't take the news so well, our families included. Over the past ten months, I've been told to kill my best friend's unborn child, kicked out of my family home, verbally abused by random passerby on the streets, and sent death threats on every social media site imaginable.

"Stay strong." I whispered to myself, avoiding all eye contact as I continued unloading boxes of shirts and bracelets. "Don't break now." I whimpered, trying to keep myself together under the scrutiny of the crowded room.

I dropped the box I was carrying, spilling its contents all over the floor. "Fuck!" Such a mediocre incident sent me over the edge.

Collapsing to my knees, I began to sob, clutching my chest in a desperate attempt to breathe.

"Kuza! Oh my Satan!" A loud voice rang out, sending a shooting pain through my skull. I think I screamed, but the pain was too intense for me to be sure. "Chris! Ryan! Get your fat asses over here and help me!" I felt my little hellion kick at my belly, and I cracked a weak smile. "Hi, buddy." My voice was weak, but talking to my child distracted me from everything else in the room.

I heard a lot more yelling before someone got down onto the ground beside me and pulled me into their arms. "Shhh." I didn't realize I was still crying until Ghost wiped his thumb under my cheeks. "Momma Ghost is here. No need to fret." His melodic words soothed my aching mind from the inside better than the world's most effective anti-anxiety pill.

He placed a hand on my stomach where my baby had just kicked, a smile lighting his girlish face. "Mike, what have I told you about unloading everything by yourself?" I frowned, laying my head down on Devin's fake breast to rest. "Chris, this is the last show before you go on bed rest, I don't think you're fit to be helping out with the heavy lifting." The workaholic rolled his eyes, placing a tattooed hand over his rounded belly with a frown. "I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to be a Dad." We all shared a laugh, which pulled me out of my stupor.

Balz reached over to poke Chris' bump, earning a death glare and a middle finger in return for the gesture. "You think the twinnies will be better out of the womb?" Chris growled. "They better be, for your sake." I rolled my eyes and stood up, with a little help from Ryan and Ghost.

"Where's Rick dick?" Ghost giggled. "He was putting Anna Marie to sleep when we left the bus." I smiled, picturing the little goth bean with his newborn daughter was an awe worthy sight, for sure. "So is Korel watching the bus?" They all nodded, and I returned my eyes to the crowd that was nearing the barrier as techs came onstage to set up and check instruments for the opening band.

The guys took that as their cue to head backstage, and I returned to my little table to start selling what was left of the merch.

When MIW took the stage, I locked up the money box to watch. Angelo came out first, showing off his rounded stomach without a shirt on. He was due to go into labor any day now, and had told us all that this was his last tour. Unlike the rest of us, he preferred to settle down with his daughter once she was born.

Devin and Ryan came out next, their guitars covering their baby bellies. I heard someone shout "I wanna be your baby Daddy, Ghost!" I laughed out loud, and Devin shot me a wink. "You'll have to take that one up with our merch boy, honey." Ricky hit the back of his head on his way up, and Chris laughed into his mic.

"Alright, motherfuckers, for those of you that can't tell, this is the last show before we all have little ones to take care of." Everyone cheered. "So let's make it fucking count!" They started the intro to 'if it's dead, we'll kill it,' and the fans went nuts.

After the show, the guys came over to my table to meet up with the fans. "Were you really the one to knock Ghost up?" Who I presume to be the boy from earlier asked me, somewhat shyly. A set of skinny arms wound around my waist, and I nodded. "Did you father Ricky's baby, too?" The goth bean behind me laughed. "Other way around." He placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Speaking of babies, I've got a daughter due for her bottle soon." Ricky grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Come with meeeee-" I cut him off with a kiss. "Chris, can you-" I turned to find my friend making out with Ange, and I sighed.

Balz gave me a pat on the back. "Go. Ryan and I can handle everything if you send Korel." I smiled and let Ricky lure me back to the bus.

The tour manager met us at the door. "I just finished giving her her bottle, so she should be out for another couple of hours." He practically ran towards the venue, and Ricky attacked me with his lips.

We fell onto the couch, my baby belly supporting most of his weight. "You know what would make this better?" He spoke between kisses, looking down into my eyes with lust, and another emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Me?" Another voice giggled, grinding down into Ricky's ass, which made Ricky's hard on grind down onto my own hardening member. "Fuck, Devin." Ricky started on my jeans, his own and Devin's soon following.

I could feel Ricky pushing into me, and I dug my nails into his back, a whorish moan passing my lips. "Mhm, you like my cock inside of you, baby?" I bucked my hips, causing him to thrust deeper inside of me. "I want to feel Devin in here next to me. Do you think you can handle that, Kuza?" I gasped and nodded. "Fuck me!"

Devin snickered. "Let me pretend you need some prep, little slut." I moaned as he slid two fingers in beside Ricky's cock, stretching me wider than I've ever been before. "Fuck! Get in me!"

Double penetration is supposed to be painful, but Ricky and Devin made me feel like a dick worshiping angel. It gave me a wicked idea, and the attitude to pull it off.

As their cum shot inside of me, I flipped over and slammed inside of Ricky, blowing my load inside of him. Devin ate the cum out of my ass, and we all lay on the couch in a sweaty, sex driven high.

"Kuza?" Devin and Ricky spoke in stereo. I smiled tiredly, snuggling up in between the two band members. "Be our boyfriend?" My jaw dropped. "I could ask for nothing more." There were cheers from outside of the bus, and Chris poked his head in. "Now, can the happy threesome put their pants on and let us on the bus?"

Devin and I both whined, our children in utero protesting against any movement after our sex fest. Ricky stood up and helped us wiggle into boxers, shimmying into his own pants before he let the rest of the guys in.

"Who topped?" That was the first question out of Balz's mouth. Ricky smirked, and Devin giggled. "Kuza?" I blushed, pretending to feel for my baby while the others gossiped about my sex life.

I yawned, catching the attention of my two lovers. "Sleep, beautiful." Ricky purred, stroking my hair until my eyes felt like lead. I heard Chris and Ange laugh. "Yea, enjoy your last night of peaceful sleep." I could faintly make out the outline of Ricky flipping them off before I was down for the count.

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