Alone In The Rain

528 19 1

Probably the shittiest thing I've written in a while. I'm sorry I've been pretty absent, I don't really have a good excuse. Still, I hope someone enjoys this.

I shivered, the cold blast of wind sending a shock through my numbed senses. I had lost track of the time I'd been out here, sitting in a ball on top of the park's bathroom facilities. When I had climbed up here, it wasn't raining.

It was as if the sky had synchronized with my mind and we were both sharing our grief.

The thin hoodie I had grabbed before storming out of the apartment was completely soaked through, but I was growing used to the cold. It felt good, in a twisted and masochistic way.

At least it gave me a reason to cry that didn't make my head want to implode.

I had made the mistake of leaving behind my phone. Now I was completely at the mercy of my own thoughts.

I sighed and rubbed my runny nose on the edge of my jacket.


The lump in my throat grew, and I looked around the empty park in a panic.

"Sophia, listen to me!"

The air in my lungs began to grow harder and harder to hold. I curled my fingers into the edge of my sleeves, desperate to find something to keep me from rolling off of this roof.

"You're being unreasonable, Sophia. You know she doesn't hate you. She just needs space sometimes, this isn't anything new."

I shook my head from side to side, feeling my brain rattling in my skull with a dull ache.

Twelve years of this bullshit and he still won't admit that I'm the reason they're miserable. Sometimes I wish I hadn't been born. At least then they could separate and not feel so damn guilty about it.

Playing happy family only ever worked for a matter of hours. It was rare that they were both home, though, and it always bothered me.

They used to be so close. I found an old photo album full of pictures with the two of them together. They were best friends, they toured together, they showed up in each other's music videos, I even found pictures of them in matching outfits.

No one ever admitted it, but I ruined whatever relationship they could have had. It fucked with my head.

They can hardly stand to be in the same room with each other without having a screaming match or fucking.

"Can we all not go out to dinner?" I looked between the two adults with crossed arms.

Mom had her hair up in space buns, her face completely bare of any trace of makeup and only a large hoodie on. She smiled at me. "I'll go if your father is paying."

He scoffed. "And just what makes you think I'll pay for you?"

I winced. I knew what was coming.

"Who had to call me today because they double booked themselves?" Mom took a step towards where Dad was sitting on the couch, long fingernails tapping on her hip. "And don't forget about that little favor I did you the other day."

I sighed. "I just want food."

Dad stood up and glared down at Mom. "Well, if I'm such an awful parent, why don't you fucking get her food." He stormed off upstairs to his bedroom, and I fell down onto the couch in defeat.

"I'll order pizza. Go find his credit card."

Sometimes I wondered why they even bothered staying in the same house at all. I guess it made rent cheaper, and they were usually both gone for work, so they didn't usually have any issues bringing home their other partners.

One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon