Little Manson

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The sound of platform boots on concrete was one I knew all too well, having grown up in the care of two goth rock singers. I didn't dare look up from the floor, fearing the disappointment in my mother's eyes.

I'd gotten in trouble at school for refusing to share my doodle book with another little girl. All she was going to do was scribble in it and she would have messed up all of Daddy's pretty drawings, which I wasn't about to allow. But, apparently shoving her out of the chair wasn't nice, and when I rolled my eyes at my teacher for telling me off, making sure she knew that "I didn't want to be nice", I was sent to the office.

Now Mommy was here, and I didn't want them to be angry at me. "Baby girl, look at me." I bit my lip and slowly tilted my head up to look at Mommy, whimpering nervously in the process.

Mommy sighed and kissed my forehead. "Do you want to tell me what happened, Madisyn?" I shrugged. "Madisyn..." Mommy growled, sounding angry. I clenched my fists, trying my hardest not to cry. "I didn't want her to ruin my drawings!" I huffed.

"Oh, sweetheart." Mommy scooped me up and held me to their chest, letting me cry into their neck as they rubbed my back. Mommy turned and faced the principal, using one hand to keep my face buried in their neck. "I didn't realize she had taken her book of Marilyn's drawings." Mommy explained, and the principal laughed a little. "She just welcomed a new little brother, too. That's always hard on them." I sniffled and pulled on Mommy's hair, but they were still talking to the principal.

"How old is your youngest?" She asked Mommy, who hummed. "Taylor just passed seven months last week." The principal awed, patting my back to acknowledge my restlessness. "I'll let you get back home. Have a good weekend." Mommy smiled. "Oh, you know it."

Mommy carried me out to the car, where I was buckled into my car seat before we pulled out of the parking lot.

I caught Mommy's eye in the rear view mirror, and they smiled. "Do you want to listen to Daddy's new album?" I nodded my head, yawning. Mommy noticed my sleepy face and frowned. "Baby, did you sleep last night?" I pouted and shook my head. "No one read me a bedtime story." I mumbled under my breath, feeling bad for being so needy.

Mommy and Daddy were both very busy lately. Daddy has been promoting his album, Mommy is getting ready to release their new album, Riley was potty training, and Taylor is just a baby. I don't want to stress Mommy and Daddy out, and I knew they were both too tired last night to do anything more than sleep, so I tried to be big and go to bed without my story. Needless to say, I got little more than a few hours of sleep, before which I cried and tried to stay quiet so the closet monsters wouldn't get me.

"Fucking hell!" I jumped at the sound of Mommy's yelling voice, and their eyes softened on me. "We can take a nap when we get home, okay?" I nodded, and we both remained silent the rest of the drive home.

Mommy carried me inside, where we could hear Daddy making food for the boys in the kitchen. My tummy grumbled, and Mommy kissed my forehead. "Babe, make one for Madisyn!" Daddy made a noise. "I thought she was at school?" I hid my face in Mommy's neck and felt them place a protective hand on my back.

"Someone didn't get any sleep last night and got grumpy with her classmates." Daddy sucked in a breath. "Shit! I completely forgot to check your closet for monsters, baby, I'm so sorry!" I shrugged. "You and Mommy were tired, I understand."

Everything was silent for a minute before I was sat on the counter top by my Daddy. "Baby girl, look at me." I looked up into his eyes, noticing his nonexistent eyebrows were furrowed together like they did when he was upset, and I burst out in tears.

"P-please don't be m-mad at me!" I cried, hiding my face in my hands while I sobbed on the counter. I heard Taylor start to whimper, and Daddy sighed. "Baby, I'm not mad at you." He kissed my cheeks and wiped my tears from under my eyes with his thumbs. "What makes you think I'm mad at you, baby girl?" I shrugged again. "I got in trouble."

Daddy scoffed, his pale nose coming down to brush against mine. "Baby girl, when have I ever been mad at you for something that you did at school?" I sniffled, too tired to actually think. "I don't know!" I sobbed, earning a concerned look from Mommy.

"I think lunch can wait until after a nap, don't you?" Mommy picked me up and cradled my head against their warm chest. Daddy chuckled. "I can wait, but I think little man is going to be a little more insistent." Mommy rubbed my back, and I felt them start to walk towards the downstairs bedroom. "He can nurse while I'm in bed, love." They gave my forehead a kiss. "Let's get you all snuggled up, sweet pea."

I almost fell asleep during the short walk to Mommy and Daddy's bedroom. The warmth from Mommy's chest, and the soft beat of their heart against my head lulled me into a peaceful state.

Mommy sat up against the plush velvet headboard with my head in their lap, their fingers curling in and out of my hair. I felt the bed dip, and Daddy slipped under the covers next to me. "Sweet dreams, baby girl."

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