Silence Bathed in Silver

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I'm not usually one to do such a thing, but I've decided to give you guys a life update, as well as some shameless self promotion.

My newest work in progress, which you can find on my profile, is somewhat different from my usual writing. It is an original piece, not a fan fiction, for those of you who are curious, and I was hoping you all would check it out. I'd really appreciate some feedback on my newest endeavor.

As for my personal life, and how that might be affecting this collection of short stories along with my other works: My final year of high school is coming to a close. Exciting? Very much so. I'm excited to be able to put myself first, after so many years, but that often means my time to write is more limited.

I'm an aspiring performance artist, training to be a contortionist, and hoping to one day be in a professional circus. Unfortunately, stretching and dancing has yet to make me any money, so I'm also working as I'm training and going to school.

If you would like to join the "too many things to do" pity party, feel free to message me. I don't bite, unless you want me to.

I've promised a couple of oneshots to some of you, and I swear on my poor black soul that those WILL be published. My creative energies are just being a little overspent, and I can't force myself to type out bullshit that doesn't mean anything.

As for the future, I definitely have more writing projects, and possibly a collaboration with a super sexy lady.

I hope to see you beautiful creepers in the rest of my works. *kisses*

Check out Silence Bathed in Silver

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