Birthday pt 2

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Hello readers,
Before I start this in last chapter I said I won't be able to update Mine today or tomorrow. Well turns out I have writer's block on that story. So I would love if you leave comment or message at my Gmail account. Give suggestions about what I should put in any chapters of stories I've written. Thank you. Anyway to the story.

I introduced Google and Bing too Angel and Danny. They don't say anything to expect look at them. "Hahaha there named after Websites." Danny laughs and pats my shoulder. Google and Bing look at his hand and gives a death glare. "What you bought them!?" Angel seems surprised. "Yeah, there named after there manufacturers." I say. Well they took that pretty well. "I thinks it's pretty cool to have your own butlers, (Y/N)." Danny wraps his arm around my shoulder and smiles. "Uh, there not my butl-" I was interrupted by Angel. "But I think they need new names, to seem more human." Angel puts her hand on her hip acting sassy. "That's a good idea, how does that Google and Bing having human names?" I say looking at them. They eyes were on Danny but soon looked at me. "That would be wonderful." Bing says. Google just nods. "Okay, do you have any ideas you want to change your name too?" Google and Bing think a little. "I want the name Jack." Bing now Jack.
"Mark." Google now Mark.
"Well now your official humans dudes." Danny walks up to them and his hand up for a high five. Google lightly high fives his hand while Jack smacks his hand on Danny hand.

Time skip brought to you by Google.

Jack and I were in a restaurant called P.F Chang's with (Y/N) and her friends. I was sitting across from (Y/N), Jack was on my right and Danny was on my left. Danny and Angel were telling stories when they were in Middle school to (Y/N). I didn't really care much about there story. I didn't really like Danny either, he put his hands on her. A waiter comes up and ask what we want. Then leaves when getting the orders. I look at Jack, who seems to look engaged in the story. I see (Y/N),Danny and Angel start laughing about a joke. (Y/N) looks at me and smiles. I don't show it but I'm blushing in the inside, I look away from her.

(Y/N), Danny and Angel start laughing about a joke. I smiled a little seeing (Y/N) happy, it made my day. I see (Y/N) smiling at Mark, he looks away from her showing embarrassment. I have to admit I'm a little jealous of him. (Y/N) seems to like him more than me. The waiter comes back and has our food. He lays our food right in front of us, then leaves. I looked at my food, I never needed food in my life, but this looks good. "I totally forgot this is your first time eating something, Bi-Jack and Mark." (Y/N) stutters a little. She isn't used to our new names. "Yeah, but I think I'll be fine." Mark says "I'm fine, I've seen you eat before it looks simple."

I forgot Jack and Google haven't tried eating yet. I don't even know if they have taste buds are not. I bit into some of my sushi. Mark uses chopsticks to eat his rice, while Jack uses a fork. Maybe I should take them out more, they look there having fun. Danny devours his food in no time. Angel eats slowly savoring the taste. After a while I started getting full. Mark and Jack though are still eating, but there eating our leftovers. Are they hungry or do they like food?
The waiter comes up. "Here is you bill." He hands me it.

Time skip brought to you by Bing.

We all headed back to my place. I said goodbye to Angel and Danny. I shut the door behind and yawn loudly stretching my arms. "Google,Bing I'm going to sleep." I say, I walk up to me room. I don't even change I'm too tired. I start falling asleep. Until I felt weight on bed. I don't ask who it is. I don't even open my eyes. It felt like two people on my bed. One person puts there arms around my neck and the other around my waist. It could only be two people, being Google and Bing.

End of this chapter. I went to D&B. I it was a lot of fun. Okay so if you read the letter. You know I hit writer's block on my stories and I would like your guys opinion and suggestions. So leave a comment or message me on Gmail. @Shield217. Would appreciate it. As always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!
P.s Love ya guys

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