Special chapter Skating

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This is story is a special chapter. Wanted to write one. This chapter is before Bing came around.

(Y/N) pov~
After a few weeks I got Google he has been silent. I try starting conversation but he always ended. It hasn't been going well. Today I would show him sports. I wanted him to be a little social, he was always in the house. Today I didn't have work, so I thought bringing him outside would be fun. It was winter so I thought he would like to go ice skating it would be fun.

1 hour later

After an hour of convincing him to go outside. We made to an ice rink. There was more people out here than I thought. I grab Googles hand and drag him to the front where we got our ice skates.
"So, are you like...I don't know fine with ice skating." It's hard starting a conversation with him still.
"I'm fine, I'll learn as I go." He puts on ice skates and tries to stand up but he falls back where he sat.
"I'll help you." I got up in front of him and offer him my hand. He takes it stands up. I slowly walk to the opening to the ice rink. He grips my hand a hard. Is scared?
"You can grab on the edge." I say to him. He slowly reaches his way to the edge. He hasn't fallen yet. I skate behind trying to make sure he doesn't fall. I have to say is was a little cute seeing him like this. He was making his was slowly around the rink. For some reason he let's go of the edge. I thought he finally got the basic of skating. My eyes sparkled I was happy that he learned something new, until he fell head first on the ice.
"Google!" I shrieked. I went up to him, there was blood running on the ice. He slowly got up, the side of his head was bleeding. I didn't want to question how he was bleeding.
"Are you okay, you hit your head hard on the ice." I grab a hold of his shoulders.
"I just need to rest it will heal in the morning." He takes his hand a put it where he was bleeding, trying to stop it.
"Hey,I'll take care of that." I take his hand away.

20 minutes later

We made it home, Google had wraps around his head. He still acted normal, like nothing happened to him. For someone reason he wasn't going to sleep like he told me he would. His battery was at 5%. He going on and off, he was trying to stay awake.
"Hey Google, go to sleep you need it." I say poking his shoulder.
"Go, sleep in my bed." I say to him. He makes his way upstairs. I follow behind him making sure he, collapse on the floor. He made it to my room and he doesn't know I'm behind; since he didn't know I was behind him he started taking off his clothes. I was blushing because I didn't expect it. For an A.I he had a nice body, somehow he had a abs. He puts on his Logo Google shirt on and some shorts then falls on my bed. My face was bright red, somehow he didn't see me at all. I walk towards him making sure he was sleeping. He was knocked out so, I peck his forehead and scurry out my room.
"Goodnight." I close the door. He probably will never know I did that.

End of that special chapter. Wanted one because we hit 1K so why not a little extra. It's not much. As always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!

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