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"Wait, you want to escape! Are you serious you just got here yesterday." Yahoo tells me.

"I know but I need to find (Y/n) and Google."

".....Fine. I'll help you but we need to wait in the morning."

"Why is that? How do you know when it's morning anyway. I don't see any windows."

"There are only four guards that walk around here. They all take different shifts. We can't do it now because I'm to scared of Dark and I'm pretty sure you do too. Wilford and Minx take the morning shift. So there's a chance if we start a commotion. Wilford will take us to another cell. In there will be home free."

"That seems legit. I still need to find (y/n) and Google. They could be anywhere."

"Don't worry leave that to me. We'll find them."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem, bro."

I couldn't escape this cell. I couldn't break the glass, there were no vents to climb through either. Ken didn't know what to do either. Right now we were laying in bunk bed. Ken was snoring, I was trying to go back to asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n) and how much danger she could be in. Just as I was about to fall asleep the were people yelling and chanting.
I pushed Yahoo to the wall and throw a couple punches to his face. People in the other cells were cheering me on. Yahoo yells out for me to stop but I don't. He bruises on his check and blood from his mouth. I had some minor injuries.

"Well look here. Bing beating up his cell mate while he's defenseless. Bravo Bing your quite the savage. It's probably that collar of yours." Wilford stood outside with a cheeky grin on his face. He doesn't know this all part of the plan. Yahoo told me to punch him a little and he would yell bloody murder. I didn't want to punch him but he said too. It felt adrenalin pumped. I had blood on my hands. I felt like monster but I liked it a bit.

"You two need to go the infirmary I don't want you two die from bleeding now would we?" Yahoo wipes his mouth clean and gets up. We were pulled out of the cell and we followed him to the infirmary. I looked around to see all the cell blocks seeing if I could find (Y/n) or Google. I couldn't find them.
We arrived at the infirmary and Wilford left us with a doctor. There was man working on something. His back was facing us.

"Hey, Cry." The man turned around with a white mask on.

"Oh, Hi Yahoo. What happened this time?"

"Me and Bing are planning on escaping." He points to me.
"We had to start a fight to get of the cell. What are you working on?" Yahoo says. He was walking around the Infirmary trying to find bandages probably.

"Replacing someone's heart. I was almost done. Wilford told me to work on her." Her? I look over to the table he had the body on. My eyes widened. (Y/n) was on the table. Her eyes were closed and looked dead. Then Cry blocked my view to start working on the her again.

"Why are you replacing her heart!? She had a perfect heart!"
I say to him.

"You know her?"


"Well, I don't know how to say this but your friend died. That's why I'm giving her a new heart. I already revived her brain to work again so she just needs a new heart." He lifts up a ball of blue light.
"This is the new heart. I couldn't find a regular normal heart so I had to use what was around."

"I don't understand, why people would do that. She's a really nice person, why would people kill her?"

"Hey, Bing I found some bandages and band aids.Did come in the wrong time?" I took some of the band aids from him and put it on my hand.

"Uh, no your fine. She'll be alive soon. I can promise you that."

"Anyway, back to the escape plan. There's a vent where we can go to and there will be a panel of controls to the whole facility in a room. We better find your other friend too."

"Right but I can't just leave (Y/n)."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure she's okay while you leave." Cry reassures me.


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