New place

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Wilford and I made it to the light in the woods. It wasn't a house that I thought it would be but more of a facility work place. It wasn't that tall. It was tall enough to hide behind the trees. Wilford push me to walk forward. I stagger a little but I keep on walking. There were big gate doors that opened automatic. Inside were many cell blocks pressed up against the wall. I could see what's inside of the cell because it was clear. Inside were one or two people inside. I'm guessing they were A.I or just regular people. I was in awe to know this was in the woods. How could no one see this here.

"Are coming are not?" Wilford was in front of me. I didn't notice probably because I just looking around the area. Wilford tugs on the rope that kept my hand together. Wilford and I walked again. I didn't like this one bit. It was pretty scary to say. Wilford stopped at one of the cells. It wasn't empty. It had someone in there. I looked at cell again and noticed there wasn't a door to it. It was just glass. How I am going to get in?

"You'll be staying in this cell." Wilford stays to me.

"Why? I did nothing!" I say to him. He doesn't listen to me. Instead he pushes forward into the glass. Instead of being on the glass, I was faze through the glass and was in the cell. What the hell was that! I look at my hands to see the rope was gone. Wilford was gone when I looked up again. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Bro!" The man with said. He was sitting on the top bunk of a bed.

"Ah! Don't scare me!"

"Sorry there." He jumps down a faces me.
"My name is Yahoodiepie but you can call me Yahoo for short." He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"The name's Bing." I say to him.

"Your new here so let me give you the run down of this place. First of all don't piss off any of the people who run this place especially Dark."
Wait! He's here too!

"Second, when they say they need you for something don't try to argue with them. Third, is do not try to escape. You'll be punished for that. I tried once and I got a scar." He lifted up his shirt. The was a big gash under his ribcage.

"What is this place exactly? Why are there so many people?" I asked him. He seemed to know a lot. I guess he's been here for a long time.

"This place is to give A.I who have a virus of some sort of place to be. They normally inject us with some kind of liquid. I don't know what's it's for but I've seen people go crazy from it. I hope that doesn't happen to us."

I really hope that someone can get me out of here. I believe that (Y/n) or Google will get me. I can only hope....

End of this chapter. I'm back with chapters baby! I put Yahoo in here because why not make more Youtubers that are A.I. I also got comments about it too. There's probably grammar mistakes in it and bad description. But I tried.
Ad always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!

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