Special Chapter Sick

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This is special chapter, this happened before Bing came along.


I was sitting on the couch with Google watching the news, when I hear Google sneezed. He seemed a little surprised that he sneezed, I guess A.I don't sneeze. Then he sneezed again.
"Google, are sick by any chance."
I asked him. A.I getting sick, really weird.
"I think I might be, with downloading so many files I think I might have reached my limit of it." He sneezed again. He was getting pale. I panicked, I didn't want him to die on me he was a close friend.
"What can I do to help?" I asked him. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I think resting would be nice." He falls back on the couch. I think he's resting. His eyes were closed, I get closer to him to see if he was breathing. Please don't be died! Please don't died! I felt him breathe a little. That was a close call. I exhaled a little. I guess I should leave him be. I decided to go to the store and get food, he'll be fine by himself.

I woke from my nap, I see (Y/N) is not around. The lights were off, the T.V was off and everything was quite. I wait for her for about an hour. I had second thoughts that she left me. I know she that kind of person to leave me but, it was always in the back of my mind. The front door opens.
"Google, I'm home." (Y/N) home!
I get up from the couch even though I'm still a little "sick" as the people call it. I run up to her and I wrap my arms around her. She stumbles a little and drops the grocery bags, she seems a little surprised that I did that. I see her face go red.
"Are you okay?" She looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Yeah, I just missed you." I gave her another hug. She wrapped her arms around my torso.
"I was just at the grocery store, I wouldn't abounded you like that." She lets go of me; picks up the grocery and heads to the kitchen. She's way to nice to abounded, I smile and to the kitchen helping putting away the groceries.

End of this special chapter. Wow, I haven't updated anything at all for the past week I think. Oh, and we made it to 2K reads and 100+ reads. I really don't set goals for these. But I'm grateful that we made it. I'll try to updated more over this week because I have a three day week, Yeah! So be ready for updates soon. As always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!

P.S the next chapter will continue about the last chapter Broken.

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