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(Bing) pov~
      "Ah, what happened?" I slowly open my eyes. I felt throbbing pain on my head. Where did (Y/N) and Google? I was in a dark room, and I was strapped in chair. What do they even want with me? I struggle to get of the bonds. A door was opened and a man walked in.
"What do want with me?" I asked them.
"You are a Virus." The man slams his hands on table. He seemed a little angry, at me I didn't know why.
"We want you, your virus could help us hack into A.I around the world."
"Are you crazy, I'm not hacking into no crazy system!" I shouted. I didn't want to hack it, first of all Google was just an A.I like me he could do some damage. Second of all what were they thinking, I'm just a regular A.I just with a Virus. I couldn't didn't have the capacity to that. I'm not special...
"Listen you really don't have a choose, what could you even do your strapped to a chair." He chuckles a little. He's right I couldn't do much, I'm strapped, I couldn't move. I doubt that (Y/N) or Google would come and get me from this place. I'm not that important.


    Bing was knocked out and dragged into a Van.
"Bing!" I shouted at them.
Google and I where let go, the other men went into the Van also. They were driving off and I tried to run after them but Google stopped me from going after them.
"We can find them tomorrow, (Y/N)." He slightly pats my shoulder. Trying to give me comfort. It kind of helped. I felt bad that I left Bing. He never was really alone, till how now.

     I stopped (Y/N) from chasing the Van. It was dangerous for her to do that. She tried to get away from me, and go chase the Van, but I didn't let her. I was just trying to protect her.
" We can find them tomorrow, (Y/N)." I try to comfort her as the humans call it.


     (Y/N) was mostly sleeping all day. She seemed a little tired today or not motivated enough to get up. I guess Bing being Kidnapped changed her. Not a good change for that matter.
"Hey get up we need to find Bing." I slowly poke her side. She groans a rolls to her ignoring me. "Hey." I poke her again.
"I know were supposed to be looking for him but where do we even start?" She seemed a little distressed.
"There G.P.S tracking on him." I say to her. Every A.I has one. If an A.I goes Haywire, a G.P.S signal will go out.
"What-when where you going tell me this!" She punches my shoulder. She jumps out of bed and faces me.
"Well since we have a G.P.S now we can go find him!" She heads into her bathroom and gets dressed. I wonder if I was kidnapped would she act the same?

End of this chapter. Many had a long time writing this. I'm hanging out with my friends today. Where all wattpad writers and decided to chat about what were writing and all the Jazz. Anyway sorry about the update. And you can check another sorry called Fallen Angel. So far I think is good. As always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!

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