Special Chapter New Year

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Another Special Chapter, that doesn't go with the plot of the story, it's basically a one off little story. Anyway on to the story. :-D

Today was New Year's day. Official a year with Google. I'm proud to say that it was fun to hang out with him. He was my companion/ best friend none the less. Which was weird to say, I was best friend with an A.I and his name was Google.

2 hours till midnight

(Y/N) told me to wear the most causal wear I have. Some of her friends would be over today. I didn't have much causal stuff, so I just put on a sweater and jeans nothing much. I walk downstairs to see (Y/N) in the kitchen. She must be cooking for the people coming over. I make my way towards her.

"(Y/N)." I tap her shoulder a little.

"Ah!" She yells out and jabs me in my stomach. I fell to the ground and groan holding where she it jabbed me. First of all I didn't expects that and Second she has incredibly strength.

"Uh, Google are you okay?" She sees me on the ground. She didn't mean to hit me, she just got scared.

"I'll be fine." I slowly get up. She look up and down at me and sees what I'm wearing.

"You're actually wearing normal clothes for once." She chuckles a little.

"You said to wear casual clothing, this is really the only "Casual" clothes I could find."

"It looks great on you, I think you should wear more clothing like this than that Google shirt." She smiles at me and turn back to what she was doing. I don't know what came over me but, I blushed.

"Also, I need you to clean the living, we have to have this place clean for our guest." She gives me a job to do.

"Okay." I head to the living room to pick up trash.

1 hour till Midnight


Some of my friends have shown up to the house. There a lot of more people than I expected. It was a little crowded but you can still move around the crowd. So far the drinks were being consumed fast than I thought. I couldn't really find Google, even though he's kind of noticeable for me.

"(Y/N)!" I heard a voice behind me. I see Google comes up behind me. He was holding a drink in his hand. Don't tell me he drank that!?

"Google, did you drink that." I point at the drinks. He looked at the drink then back at me.

"I didn't drink this, it's for you the ball is about drop soon, so....here." He hands me the drink.

"Thanks, Google." I take the drink from him. I have to admit that I not a fan of drinking, I kinda of hate it actually. Google holds his hand out for me, waiting for me to take it. I wrapped my fingers around his hand. He leads me to the living room, where there was people standing by the T.V. The clock was about to be at 10 seconds.

"Hey Google can ask you a question?" 10

"Sure." 9

"What's your New Year resolution?" 8

"I don't know really know, I didn't really think about it." 7

"Come on, everyone's gotta have one." 6

"I'll come up with one when the ball hits zero." 5

"I totally forgot about the ball." I turn to the T.v. and see it hit four. Couples started getting close to each other waiting for their New Year kiss.

"Well it's about to be zero, so I expected a answer." 3

"I think I came up with one." 2

"Well what is it then?" 1

Google takes his hand and cups my cheeks and leans closer to me. I close my eyes slowly not knowing what would happen. His lips collided with mine. I kiss back slightly. 0

People were shouting and confetti was everywhere. The time has struck 12:00, the ball has dropped. It was New Year.
I pull back from Google. My face was bright red. I didn't expect Google to really kiss me.

"Just so you know, my New year's resolution is to be your boyfriend." He says.

"Well, mark that as a Yes." I kiss him again.

End of this chapter. Sorry for the late update for this. It's just that I was having hard time writing this freaking Wattpad decides to delete something of my work that I had because I save my work. Also we hit 3.k reads. Yeah! I'll try to update tomorrow night. As always I'll see ya in the next chapter Bye! Bye!

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