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Self Destruct in T minus 8 minutes and 10 seconds

Not much time left. I got some people out of the cells and they just ran out of the place without me. Really mean, but I can't blame them they been in there for probably months. I kept walking down the halls trying to find other people but they were all empty.

"Google, have you seen Bing yet?" I saw him walking down the hallway.


"How about we search for him together. That would be fun, Right?" I walk up to him.

"No." He says quickly without hesitation.

"Why not?"

"I need you to be safe."

"I have you. I can be safe."

"Look, I suggest you go outside or go back home. This building will self-destruct in about 6 minutes now. I don't want you dying here. Okay."

"Your right...I just really to know if he's okay."

"I'll go find him instead just go somewhere else to be safe."

"Okay." I said go Google. He put his hand go on my head. I felt his lips press on my forehead then he walks off. I smile a little then make my way out. Before I made it out there a voice behind me and my world became black falling into unconscious.


Hellen system actived

"Who said that?" I asked out. I could see through the mask but I saw no one in front of me.

This is your assist, Hellen. I am a prototype that has been giving to you.

"Wait, you're the mask and you're talking to me?" I asked. This was a little bizarre. She is like J.A.R.V.I.S.

Yes. I will help you no matter, Sir

"You don't have to call me that, it's Bing. Since you're helping me I need help your help."

Okay, what do you need help with, Bing?

Self Destruct in T minus 2 minutes and 30 seconds

I silently following Dark behind him. He didn't seem to notice me.

"Where the hell did they go?" He said to himself. He kept looking down the hallways and the cells.

I sneaked up closer to him, I was getting closer and closer. He stopped for a second then kept walking


"What?!" I asked Hellen. It wasn't my intention to kill him. It felt like I was being controlled to do it.

Dark turned to see me behind him. I panicked until I felt a knife appear in my hand. I swung at him and the knife went deep into chest. He let out a gasp when feeling it pierce into his skin. I stood their holding the knife; my mind went blank for a second until the pulled the knife out. Blood appeared coming out of the wound. I heard him chuckle a little before falling to the ground.

"Wow, you actually got me." He said to me. I saw his skin getting paler and blood came running down his lips. My clothes had his blood down to my waist. The knife soon disappeared out of my hand and he was only leaking out more blood.

"Bing, you there?" I heard Google calling down the hallway. He saw Dark lying on the floor bleeding out, and then he looked at me. He didn't look like he cared about Dark lying there dying.

"It was an accident, I swear." I say. It was true. I hope he at least believe me.

"Whatever...(Y/n) was worried about you. How did you get the mask?" She worried about me like always.

"Long story" I said. I didn't want to talk about it.

"She's waiting for us outside."

Self Destruct in T minus 50 seconds

"We better hurry, not at a lot time left." He says to me. He starts walking ahead of me. to find the exit.

Kill him..

I stare at him. My body moved on its own. Another knife appeared in my hand. His back was turned away from me a easy way he doesn't see me with a knife.

"Hey There's a exit down." He points out. I follow behind him.
My grip tightened around the knife. My hand slowly raised in the air ready to stab him. I used my other arm to stop my self.


"Stop it!" I yelled to Hellen.


"What's wrong?" Google saw me fighting myself. He seem a little stunned at my behavior.


"I-I can't stop myself." I swung my hand with the knife going for his chest. He moved out of the way for me so I hit the wall.

He really thinks he can get away that easily


I knock him down on the floor.


I walk over to him holding the knife. I stopped in my tracks.


Isn't this what you wanted him dead


I looked at the knife to see my reflection. How would (Y/n) think of me if I killed him. I couldn't bear to think about how devastated she would be.


Google gets up from the ground holding his head from the impact. I put the knife toward my chest. I would hate to see her cry.


"Bing what are you doing?"


"Ending it.."


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