Chapter 2

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"Hey. I'm really sorry if I am being any trouble. I am just worried that's all. You would tell me if I was being too much trouble right?" I say twiddling my fingers nervous in the back of the car. 

"Nope, that's ok. You are no trouble at all. I'm telling you now, you are not ruining your body with pregnancy. So it's only right for you to be scared. Of course, I would tell you, and you are not I promise." Mamrie says focusing on the road. 

I bite my nails as we continue to drive to the hospital, everyone was silent. 

"And we are here!" Mamrie announced, driving into a parking space. We get out of the car. I have never been so nervous and scared in my whole life.

"Thank you guys so much. Can you come in with me but wait in the waiting room," I ask, closing the door as Hannah also steps out of the car. 

 "Yep sure and remember we are always here for you," Hannah says rubbing my arm, then linking my arm and leading me into the hospital. 

 I walk in to see bright lights, lighting up the room and a whole lot of sick people. In the waiting room, all you could hear was people coughing and sneezing.  I walk up to the woman behind the desk, Hannah and Mamrie holding me up at each side, I don't lose my balance to nerves.

"Hello madam, what can I do for you today?" The nice receptionist women asks me from behind the desk. 

"Um, well I was wondering whether you had any morning after pills?" I state, waiting for the women to reply to me

 "Oh yes, here you are. You have to take one as soon as possible and one five hours later." She explains while I try my hardest to remember all the instructions. I take the box of pills from her hand and quickly open the box, popping a pill into my mouth as quick as possible. I am not getting pregnant. I thank the receptionist and we all make our way back to the car. 

As we walk we hear murmurs and sequels of teenage girls. I am guessing they are fans because they are all teenage girls. I wave at them and they all start squealing. "Would you girls like a selfie?" I ask trying to be as normal as possible. The girls scream with excitement as I walk up towards them, breaking out of Mamrie and Hannah's reach.

"You sure you're up for it Smellbig?" I hear Hannah say running after me. Also followed by Mamrie. The girls pass me their phone as they still scream with excitement, one was actually crying.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile.

"What are your names?" I ask as I take selfies with all of them.

"I'm Sophie, and these are my best friends Amy and Clara," Sophie explains.

"It's nice to meet you, girls. What are you doing here?" Mamrie asks, finishing taking photos with the girls and passing the phone to Hannah.

"We are here to visit our friend, who has cancer, do you reckon you could do a video message for her?" Sophie asks.

"Yeah sure. Mamrie, Hannah can you get over here for a second. We need to make a video for their friend. I don't realise that, I was still holding the box of pills. We make the video and send the kids on their way. We get into the car and drive back to my house. 

"Do you want to go out for the night. Celebrate me getting these pills on time?" I question, as I enter the house and putting the box of pills on my dining room table.

"Sure, Do you just want to go downtown to the local bar?" Hannah asks.

"Yeah if that's ok," I say, putting my coat back on.

"Yeah, that's fine. Whatever floats your boat."Mamrie laughs, also getting her shoes on, and Hannah follows her lead. I let Goose out to use the bathroom and refill her bowl of food and drink before we leave. We all get a taxi to our local bar. I get the first round of drinks in, then Mamrie, then Hannah. It keeps rotating as the night went on.

As I carry our glasses back to our table, I bump into him. Chester, my ex-boyfriend.


"Hey, Grace. You ok?"

"Yeah. I can't believe it's you. I haven't seen you in ages." I say placing the drinks on our table and then carrying on with my conversation.

"I know. So hows life treating you?" Chester asks.

"Great. I got a book deal and YouTube is going really well. But no more about me. How about you?" I ask.

"Great, I got signed to a record company." He explains.

"Amazing Chester. Wanna come meet everyone?" I ask, pointing to Mamrie and Hannah.


------------------------------------2 HOURS LATER---------------------------------------------

Chester picks me up and carries me to his bedroom and he places me onto his bed. Taking his shoes off as I do as well.

"Chester, I have never stopped loving you," I say  in between kisses, also catching my breath in between

"Grace. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me." Chester exclaims, ripping my t-shirt off. Just like Jeff had done two days previous.

We both continued to take our clothes off before we disappeared underneath the freshly made bed covers. Who knows why my drunk self-keeps finding myself under with men I didn't really know or hadn't seen since high school. If only I could control myself, then I would not find myself in this position all the time. One day I am really going to mess up my life, by doing this. But for some reason this time with Chester felt completely different. Like I have missed it or something. There was just something different about him then Jeff. It was probably because I wasn't as wasted as I was when I was with Jeff. Or I wasn't in love with Jeff than I am with Chester.

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें