Chapter 6

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The Doctor said that I was bleeding because I was close to miscarrying but I got to the hospital on time and they were able to save her. I ended up not telling the viewers just in case anything does happen to my little baby again. I will do that closer to the time. Just knowing that my baby nearly died made me so grateful that she is alive. Some exciting news is that we are going back on the #nofiltershow in support for Hannah's book. We all leave for Boston tomorrow.

"Hannah comes in here," I shout down the hallway.

"What!! What's wrong is the baby ok?" Hannah asks running worried. 

"No the baby is fine just can you help me pack I don't know what to bring. Please" I ask smiling. I keep looking at her, geez why does she have to be so cute. Gosh, I love her. I wish I could tell her but I can't find the right time.

"Uh yeah sure but next time try not to scare me. Please." She says laughing and starting the pack all the main things I need into a suitcase. My bump was now noticeable, I just hope no one sees.

"Right there you go, Tops, Pants, Underwear, Bra's, Socks, Towels, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, your Laptop, Camera, Camera charger, Laptop charger and your Phone charger. another pair of shoes and that's that." She says smiling, closing the suitcase

"Wait no it isn't," I say walking down to the kitchen. "You forgot these," I say unzipping the suitcase, then putting the ultra scan photos and DVD in the suitcase. "I would like to see my baby from time to time," I say zipping my suitcase up.

Hannah's phone pings, so she looks down at her phone to see she has a message from Mamrie.

Mamrie-I'm here so you better get a move on.

Hannah- ok we are just coming down stairs now meet you by the car.

With this, we go downstairs and get into Mamrie's car. I strap myself in the back and let Hannah sit in the front. "How's the baby?" Mamrie asks. I was in a complete daze while staring out the window.

"Grace...GRACE." I hear Mamrie shout to get me out of my daydream. 

"Huh, what? Don't scare me unless you want my waters to break and this baby to come very early. I really don't want to lose this baby, not after nearly losing her last time."I say trying to calm my heartbeat.

"I'm sorry it was just asking is the baby doing ok?" She says apologetically.

"Oh, she's fine like to kick the little bugger. And she likes to sit on my bladder and ribs. But I wouldn't change it for the world." I say smiling rubbing my now four-month-old small bump.

"Oh well, I can't wait for her to get here. And you will call her Mamrie Jr because I mean who doesn't want to be called after their favourite auntie." She says very seriously.

"No way Hannah Jr sounds WAY better," Hannah says.

"Actually I think you will find that I am naming her, once I find out the gender. Thank you." I say holding back the tears.

"Oh ok. Have it your way," Hannah says seriously but a joking at the same time. But with my hormones running sky high I take what she says very seriously. "ACTUALLY I WILL HAVE IT MY WAY. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!" I shout. I start to sob, half my make-up running down my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to shout, I'm sorry it's just my hormones. I hate it I didn't mean any of it. I know you were joking I'm sorry please forgive me." I say crying into my hands.

"Oh darling, I know you don't mean it. Right, should we go and get you some food, I know that will cheer you up. And I will come and sit in the back with you." Hannah asks rubbing my leg.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you!" I sob happily. Mamrie makes a left, which leads us into a small town where people won't see us. I can't be dealing with any more people.

"You want to go to this little cafe?" Mamrie asks, pointing.

"Sure. It looks really cute." I smile, unbuckling my belt early.

"Smellbig. You have to stop doing that, you are housing a baby. That baby needs to be safe." Hannah sighs, making me realise I need to stop doing that. We all get out the car and make our way into the cafe. We all order our food and drinks, and I think it's the first time in seven years of doing YouTube, where I haven't been spotted in a cafe and had loads of photos taken off.

"Ready to go?" Hannah asks, getting her bag.

"Yea, I'm coming now," I say, getting up from my seat and putting my bag over my shoulder. Mamrie goes and pays, while I and Hannah both get into the back of the car.

"Thank you for being in the back of the car with me. It gets a bit lonely sometimes" I exclaim, as Hannah rubs my arm. 

"That is ok Grace. It will be nice to be in the back with you and the little one." Hannah says, rubbing my small bump.

"Do you think people will notice my bump?" I ask, looking down at my bump.

"They shouldn't. They probably only will if you talk about it or be like really unnatural and weird around your stomach. Just don't do anything that might make them guess." Hannah explains.

"Thank you, Hannah, for being here for me. I don't think I could do it without you." I cry, bringing her into a hug.


"Yeah, geez they are so over the top now." I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes. Mamrie comes back into the car and looks at us weirdly.

"You ready to go weirdo's?"

"Yeah." We say in unison.

"Right, onward to the show."

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now