Chapter 8

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Grace's P.O.V
"Grace, Gracie. Wake up." Hannah whispers, as she gently shakes me.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing the sleepy dust from my eyes then stretching.

"It's six, we have two hours to get ready, before the VIP meet and greet." Hannah smiles, helping me off the floor.

"Thanks for waking me up, I could have slept the night away." I laugh as Hannah helps me steady my balance.

"That's ok, now go and get yourself ready." Hannah laughs, pointing to the onesie hung up on the door. Mamrie and Hannah were already in theirs, they were just getting their makeup done. I quickly get changed into the onesie then have my makeup done.  

"How does it look? Can you see it?" I ask.

"What, your boobs or your beautiful face." Mamrie jokes.

"You know what. The bump."

"Well, I think it looks beautiful," Hannah says, cradling her hands on the bump.

"Ok, but can you see it?"

"No, only if you make it obvious and point it out then you can maybe see it," Mamrie says, kissing my cheek. I shrug then move over to the mirror. I take pictures in a mirror, a selfie and at different angles to make sure you can't see my growing bump. You can't see it unless you tighten my onesie. Shit, what if the people we get on stage wants to hug me. No, I can't afford to think like that. I don't want to panic, my baby doesn't deserve that, I can't nearly lose my baby again. I take deep breaths and calm myself by listening to a really positive speech and then I get ready to go on stage.

"Oh, I'm so nervous." I sigh, taking deep breaths. I am never this nervous but the fact that they might see the baby bump makes me ten times more nervous.

"It's okay, Grace. You gotta take it easy, okay? Just breathe." Mamrie whispers.

"Ooh." I breathe deeply.

"There you go." Mamrie smiles, rubbing my back. I hold my stomach tight, as I try and steady my nerves.

"Oh, I feel sick." I sigh, as I gag trying to hold it all back. Hannah quickly rushes and gets a bucket. I hold the bucket, while Mamrie holds my hair back and Hannah rubs my back. I get sick as quietly and as neatly into the bucket as I can. I spit one last time then wipe my mouth.

"You sure you are going to be ok to go on?" Hannah asks.

"I have to be. I have to be as normal as possible and anyway we are starting." I say as the video starts up.

The video finishes and the song we are singing, well Mamrie and Hannah were singing and I was lip-syncing, comes on. I walk on stage. I was already sweating. My microphone was on, I can't say anything. I hold back my emotions. I get through the song perfectly, after that I stop worrying, I made it through the hard part. I always feel nervous whenever I do a #nofilter but today I felt extra nervous. I was completely fine till I had to do my own segment which was where I dance, I was going to change it but I completely forgot to change it.

There I was on the stage, the spotlight on me. I feel sweaty, I shake it off and carry on, I just hope no one can see my bump and tell. I carry on reading my Christmas letter that my mom found out for the show. It talks about how I wanted to do dance since I was small, and how people made fun of me when I was small. Which was all completely true, that was my life as a kid.

"So if it is ok can I dance for you?This is my one wish for Christmas." I ask the audience while moving the microphone to the side of the stage. The audience screams as I get into how I start and wait for the music to start. I do a stupid dance. to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I  get stopped by Hannah. I carry on then I get stopped by Mamrie and Hannah. I once again carry on dancing then halfway through the dance I fall on my head and stomach. 

"Shit Mamrie get her now," Hannah shouts to Mamrie. They both grab me, one of each arm and take me off the stage. 

"Shit Grace, are you ok?" Hannah asks me. 

"Yeah I'm fine," I say shaking, my hand on my head. 

"Are you sure? And the baby?" Mamrie questions. 

"Yep, the baby is fine." I sigh, my eyes keeping opening and closing. 

 "Ok. You going to be ok to carry on?" Hannah asks. The whole venue goes quiet. We all walk on stage and everyone cheers. Mamrie and Hannah both on one side of me to keep me balanced.

"Right everyone she is going to be ok," Mamrie says pointing to the audience. The audience replies with a whole load of cheers and screams. I start crying and sobbing into my hands, mostly because I was happy and because my head was throbbing. Also from time to time, I would get little pains in my stomach.

"How's the baby?" Someone in the audience yells.

"What do you mean? No one is pregnant. I mean, we don't want to ruin our bodies with pregnancy." Mamrie laughs, causing Hannah and me to laugh also.

"So before you shout out, get your facts straight first." Hannah yells.

"Yea...ow," I say clutching my head. The pain was really from my stomach but I can't let the audience know. The pain causes my eyes to water which then makes me look like I was crying.

"You sure you're ok?" Hannah asks, bringing me into an embrace.

"I'm fine, just my head hurts," I explain, hugging Hannah back

I continue to hug Hannah and Hannah continues to hug me. " WE LOVE YOU GRACE!" I hear an audience member shout from their seat. "I love you guys so much," I say, wiping my eyes. I had just made the whole venue laugh. I carry on with the show.

Throughout the show, I would get sharp shooting pains but I can't let the internet know when if this baby does come early then I lose it everyone would want me to have another baby. I don't even want this baby.  I move to the side of the stage and lean over and steady myself on the wall of the side of the stage, my eyes still opening and closing continuously. I stand there for about a minute without Mamrie and Hannah knowing. They soon recognise me standing here, and rush over to me. I get a pain and topple over in pain, I clutch my stomach. 

"Grace...Grace are you alright what is it? What hurts?" Hannah asks.

"My stomach and my head. I fell on them both." I explain.

"We can take you to the hospital. Can you just hang on for another five more minutes so we can finish this?" Mamrie asks, just as another pain hits.

"Yeah, I'm sure, I ca.. No. Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, no." I groan as I feel a little water rush down my leg.

"Okay, all right, Grace. It's going to be alright, I promise" Hannah says standing in front of me so no one can see the water on the floor.

"So your water broke. Let's get you to a hospital." Mamrie whispers away from a microphone.   

 "Guys we are cutting it like a minute short we need to get her to a hospital to get her stomach and head checked out. We think she might have bruised her stomach." I hear Hannah say as I lean on her. Suddenly Mamrie picks me up bridal style and carries me out to the car and puts me in the back seat. My eyes flicker open and close. Then darkness...

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now