Chapter 22

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We all got out the car and Chester brings Hatty into the house.

"Hey, little sis," Tim says bringing me into a hug. 

"Hey. How are you and my nephews?" I ask embracing. 

"Yeah, they are fine. You forgot their birthdays again." Tim jokes

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry, it's just I have my very own baby to look after now. Your an uncle." I say getting Hartley out of her car seat and placing her into Tim's arms so he can cherish this moment.

"That's ok, they don't really expect anything from their Auntie Grace anyway. She's perfect. Better than my sons." He says, cradling her as she once again wraps her fingers around his pinky.

"Hey, dad we are in the room." My nephew shouts angrily.

"Hey. Don't shout you will wake her up. Anyway, you're my favourite nephew." I say rubbing his hair into a mess then embracing him.

"How are you anyway?" I ask, kissing him on the head.

"I'm ok, what about you Auntie Grace?" He asks, trying to break out of the embrace. I let him go then put my arm around his shoulder.

"I'm ok, tired but that is what happens when you have a baby," I explain. 

Just as I let go of my nephew, Hatty starts crying. Tim passes me my daughter and I lift her up and smell her bum. 

"Chester go and change her bum. She has pooped." I say passing Chester Hatty then putting the changing bag on his shoulder.

This is the first time I've really witnessed Chester changing her without my help. He wasn't bad at it but just needed to maybe get the diaper the right way round. After we finally got it the right way round, we all sat down for dinner. We had a lovely roast dinner (but me having smart bacon instead of Pork) and then I put Hatty down for her nap and then we all sat around watching old home videos. I sit on Chester's lap as we sit together on a sofa together, my head rests on his shoulder and my feet dangling off the end of the sofa.

Chester's P.O.V

Grace's head lays on my shoulder. As I stroke her soft newly conditioned blonde hair, I could see out of the corner of my eye, Grace's hazel eyes are slowly closing into a deep sleep. I sit and watch her as her eyes try their hardest to stay open but they slowly close.

"Night baby girl," I whisper into her ear as she falls asleep.

"Ah bless. Parenthood finally got to her." Theresa says smiling.

"Yeah. She was probably shattered. I'm gonna take her up to bed." I reply as quietly as I could not wake her while picking her up bridal style. One day I will be holding her this way when she is my wife.

I carry her up the stairs into our bedroom where our small half me and the other half Grace human is sleeping peacefully in her travel crib. I open the door to see that Theresa had out a few bottles of shampoo and a few shower caps on the bed. I hold Grace with one arm then throw the bottles on the floor. I throw back the covers and place her down. She must have been in a deep sleep because she didn't wake up when I put on her pyjamas and tucked her into bed.

I go back downstairs and into the living room. 

"She is out like a light. I'm going to be going to bed soon, so if you wanna kiss Grace and Hatty goodnight you can," I say waiting for someone or something to respond.

"We will go quickly say goodnight," Theresa says as Mark and she gets up from the sofa and goes straight up the stairs to our bedroom and kisses her forehead and then carefully kiss Hatty on the tip of her head. 

"Goodnight, I'm just gonna take a quick shower then jump into bed," I explain.

"Ok, goodnight Chester."

"Night," I say closing the door then stripping down and out of my clothes. I step into the shower and stand as the water drips down my stomach and my spine. I drench my hair with Shampoo, wash it out then repeat with the conditioner. I wrap the towel around my body then dry myself off. I walk around in just my towel finding clothes. I put my clothes on then jump into bed. I cuddle up to Grace and watch her sleep and then slowly fall asleep.

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