Chapter 7

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We finally got to Boston after the whole hormones incident. I hope I will be ok for the live shows. I probably will. I mean I have Hannah and Mamrie to help look after me. What if the viewers see my bump, I mean I know it is only small but still I mean I can't have them knowing yet. I just have to much sure that I don't pull my onesie tight.

"Hey guys do you reckon the viewers will spot my bump?" I ask, still being paranoid.

"Maybe I mean your bump is small and you have a baggy onesie." Hannah says, holding my shaking hand.

"What happens if someone does thing out?"

"You tell them not to be so silly and that you are just not feeling yourself as you are something that disagrees with you." Mamrie replies, as Hannah moves a few wisps of my fringe out of the way.

"We are here. Now, Grace don't panic, I promise nothing will happen to your or little Madame." Mamrie, smiles.
I force myself to smile to make Hannah and Mamrie get off my back.

Mamrie parks the car as we park round the back of the building. I undo my seatbelt before the car stops again. I really have to stop doing that. That's not going to be good for me and my baby.

Hannah walks into the building with me while Mamrie got our bags out the back. Even with stopping off for food, we were still quite early, we had four hours till the show so we had forever to get changed, do our make up and get the props ready.

So we hung out on the couch that was in the changing room. I had my head on Hannah's lap and my legs on Mamrie's lap, spreading out between them.

"Do you guys want to do another Hey USA but all three of us. After this little one is born of course. Don't want to be doing anything that hurts her. Not after nearly losing her." I smile.

"You know what, we should. Maybe we could bring the baby along with us. Find some other things not just for us." Mamrie says.

"But then we can't drink with the baby there." I moan, trying to force them to go without the baby.

"Anyway, so Hannah I really really love your book you know." I explain.

"Thanks babe. You need to write another book once the baby is here. My life into Parenthood." Hannah laughs.

"Oh right. No I'm not going to make a book. Anyway, we should get going and practise." I say, getting up, but all of a sudden I felt my eyes became heavy and started to close and everything grew darker. I find myself asleep on Hannah's lap.

Hannah's P.O.V
Bless her, she must have been tired. I was talking to Mamrie, Grace would add in her comment when she felt like she needed to. While we were all talking I was smoothing Grace's hair out.

"So Grace, felt the baby kick yet?" I questioned her to find her fast asleep, on my lap. Looking so peaceful, she has had a rough four months. I still can't deal that she is going to find out the gender next month.

"Mames... Mames look at her." I say poking Mamrie.

Mamrie looks up from her phone and then down to her friend who lays fast asleep on my lap.

"Aww bless her come on let's make her more comfortable." Mamrie says lifting Graces legs off her lap. Mamrie stands up and helps me. She lifts Grace's head and I slowly slid out from underneath her. I replace my lap with a pillow. And we let her sleep for about another two hours, making sure she had enough time to get ready because she usually took the longest.

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