Chapter 12

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We wait till the contraction is off before even considering moving me downstairs.

"Is it over?" Mamrie asks, rubbing my lower back.

"Yeah," I reply breathing deeply.

"Hannah call 911 NOW!!!" Mamrie screams, helping me off the bed and then towards the stairs. I stop and lean over the bannister as another contraction hits me.  I scream as the pain gets worse, I topple over in pain and move my hips side to side to deal with the pain.

"Just breath through it. Tell me when it's over," Mamrie sighs, as she quickly runs down the stairs and moves everything I have left on the stairs while I go through the contractions. After the contraction, Mamrie frantically helps me downstairs. Hannah grabs her phone and dials 911.

"The ambulance is coming, just um.. just hold it in," Hannah says getting my hospital bag and swinging it over her shoulder. 

"HOLD IT IN. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I'm sorry Hannah I didn't mean to scream at you. I don't know if I can hold it in for that long." Another contraction hits me as I reach the bottom of the stairs but then ends quickly. "This baby wants to come like now," I scream in pain.

"Get this baby out of me." I cry, as Hannah holds my hand.

Mamrie helps me walk into the living room, holding me up and keeping me balanced. As Mamrie passes me over to Hannah to hold Goose comes running up to me and jumping up at me. She then starts to lick my face.

"Goose, get goose out of here, she shouldn't see me like this," I say pushing Goose away from my face, as she continues to lick my face. Mamrie calls Goose over to her and then puts her in the kitchen with her bed, food and water. "She's in the kitchen now," Mamrie speaks out of breath, running back from the kitchen.  Mamrie and Hannah carefully place me onto the floor as we wait for the next contraction. 

I grip the carpet and rip it a little as another contraction hits me. Suddenly I feel him move down closer towards his exit. I put my hand down my sweatpants just to make sure I was right, I feel and cup the head as he starts to enter the world.  "No, no." I sob.  "What's wrong?" Mamrie asks. " I feel the head. He's coming, like now." I cry, pulling my hand out from my sweatpants to reveal a small amount of violet red blood. Hannah just stops shocked, not doing anything while Mamrie rushes towards me and pulls off my shorts and underwear, then takes off her jumper. I knew she has any idea what she is doing but she trying to man up and help me.

"Grace I need you to turn around and hold onto Hannah's neck," Mamrie orders taking charge of the situation.
"He's too early, he can't come now," I scream. 

"Well he isn't gonna stop is he?" Mamrie says calmly.

I obey her orders and turn around and holding onto Hannah's neck while Hannah holds onto my waist. I pinch the back of Hannah's t-shirt as yet another contraction hits me, this one stronger than the other.

"You were right, this baby is coming now."Mamrie whispers. "I gotta push," I say tightening my grip on Hannah's neck.

"Alright. You do what you think is right. Do what your body tells you, Grace. And Grace don't worry, we are here. We are gonna help you." Mamrie says, having her hands ready to catch the baby. I nod trying my hardest not to scream the house down.

"We love you. Grace you can do this." Hannah says kissing my forehead as I grip onto her back some more.

"I'm not hurting you am I?"

"Don't worry about me just worry about getting my nephew into the world safely." Hannah says.

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now