Chapter 26

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We woke up at about eight o'clock and Chester and I have been packing since about six thirty this morning, but then fell back asleep again. We are leaving for our plane in about an hour and half-ish. We had to get an early flight because our first flight got overbooked so we had to get the earliest flight. Luckily Hartley slept nicely during the night however, this is a bad thing because now she might not sleep during the flight. 

"Right. You ready to go home, babe?" Chester asks bringing me into a small tender kiss.

"Yeah. I'm going to get Hartley and you can put the stuff in the boot of my mom's car." I jokily instruct.

"It would be a pleasure me lady." Chester jokes grabbing our suitcases and walking downstairs and then to the car.

I walk into the spare room that used to be my room and see my now six-month-old daughter sleeping peacefully, in a pure white dress. I carefully pick her up, making sure not to wake her and I succeed. I cradle her in my arm and then I grab her changing bag and walk downstairs.

I stop halfway downstairs to go through another pain of the stitches. I get through it quickly then carry on back downstairs.

"Right. You ready to go, baby?"Chester says taking her changing bag and putting it in the car. 

"Yeah, but I'm starting to get nervous."

"Hey, you will be fine. I'm here to protect you." Chester says bringing me into a cuddle.

"Ok, sure." I sigh as I get in the car.

My mom, Step dad, Chester, Hatty and I all get in the car and take a short car ride to the airport.

              On the aeroplane

"That was nice seeing you parents, wasn't it." Chester smilies while we cuddle together for as long as we can till Hartley wakes up.

"Yeah, it was. I can't wait to get home, though, I need my own bed." I admit after just getting through another panic attack. Luckily not many people were watching me this time during my panic attack.

"I love you. I can't wait to marry you, Miss Helbig." Chester giggles, kissing me gently.

"I can't wait either. Wait no one else knows. I think me and you should tell Mamrie and Hannah together."I whisper making sure, I don't wake up Hatty.

"Sure we will do it over dinner," Chester suggests.

Just as we go to cuddle again, our little girl wakes up, not crying but wakes up. 

"Must be hungry," Chester says. 

"Must be. Just hold her while I get ready." I say, passing her over to Chester and grabbing two blankets from my handbag.  I get myself ready to feed her. I put a blanket over my body and a blanket under my breast so Hatty can comfortable feed. He passes me her then I present her with my breast and she latches on quickly and starts feeding.

"Hey! Don't do that in public." Some man shouts at me.

"Why? My baby needs feeding." I state, looking down at my child.

"It's disgusting. You've got your boobs just out in the public." He shouts again, getting closer towards me.

"I'm covered up. You can't see anything." I say with a tear falling from my face.

"No, there is a thing called bottle and formula, why don't you do that, instead of using your breast. You little slut." He screams at me.

"Hey, you don't get to talk to my fiancée that way. She can breast feed if she wants. If you don't like it don't look, just...just FUCK OFF!" Chester shouts back, with no sympathy.

The young man walks off in complete and utter disgust, knowing that I am not going to stop feeding my baby. I continue to cry as the man gives me dirty looks.

"Sorry for swearing just protecting my fiancée," Chester announces as soon as he says this everyone starts cheering.

"Thanks, babe. Now sit down, we are alright now." I say tugging at his t-shirt and dragging him to his seat.

"She ok?"

"Oh yeah, she is fine. She is eating." I laugh, a very fake laugh.

"Are you ok?" Chester asks bringing me into a side embrace.

"No," I state as we cuddle.

"I promise you everything is going to be fine from now on, I promise you."


"Promise." We spend the rest of the trip cuddling and kissing and playing with Hatty until we fell asleep and land.

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now