Chapter 21

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It's been six months since the baby was born and today we are finally able to fly to New Jersey today so my mom can meet Hatty.  We go through the check in and all our bags are safe. We have two seats together and Hatty is going to sit in either mine or Chester's lap.

I am really scared of flying everyone knows that. I hope my anxiety doesn't play up. I have to hold it together for Hatty. We sit on together and strap in and get ready for take off. As it takes off, I grab Chester's hand as my hand shakes. My breathing gets heavier as the wheels lift off from the ground.

"Babe. You ok?" Chester asks worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just hold me." I tremble.

"Hey, I will never let you go," Chester says lifting up my chin and kissing my lips.

"No, wait take her," I whisper, quickly placing Hartley onto Chester's lap.

"Ok, just breathe ok," Chester says rubbing my back.

"No Ches I can't breathe," I cry taking all my jumpers off till I'm down to just my vest. I vomit a few times before I finally fall asleep.

"Grace, Gracie. You need to wake up. She needs feeding." Chester whispers, shaking me softly. I stretch then we swapped Hatty over to each other's lap.  She quickly latches onto my breast and feeds. She was amazing during the flight, she slept half of it and only woke up when she needed feeding. So I would feed her and then she would fall straight back asleep. She is just the perfect baby. I can't believe that in seven months my baby will be one. It's crazy. Chester held me tight throughout the whole journey and when we land I dig my fingernails into his palms making sure that he hold me tight so I feel loved and safe.

We get off the plane and our bags get checked and they are safe. We come out for bag checks and find my mum standing with a plaque saying Welcome Home Grace My Baby Girl.v  

"Mom. I've missed you." I whisper as I pass Chester my little girl and then run straight into my mom's arms. As we meet each other I bring her to the floor as we hug. I swear being a mother changes you, I used to hate people touching me or hugging me but this just felt right. We hug for about two minutes, cherishing this moment. We get interrupted by my daughter's cries and screams.

"And who is this?" My mom asks while Chester places Hartley in my arms.

"Mom seriously have you not been watching my videos?" I ask.

"I was joking. This is my beautiful granddaughter Hartley. Now come here Grandma wants a cuddle." Mom jokes taking Hatty out my arms.

"Hey, Theresa," Chester says putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling the suitcases behind him.

"Hey, Chester how are you?" Mom asks him.


"Good. You have a good flight?" Mom asks us.

"I did, Grace, however?" Chester says.

"Oh, honey what's wrong?" Mom asks, bringing me into a quick side embrace.

" had another panic attack, but I survived," I explain as we walk towards the car.

"I'm glad you're ok. But you need to get that sorted soon." Mom says forcing me. We walk together while my mom carried Hartley to the car. My stepdad was waiting for us in the car. Chester, Hatty and I sit in the back and then my stepdad and mom sit in front. 

"Hey, Mark."

"Hey Grace, how are you."

"I'm feeling a bit sick but I should be fine," I explain as me and Chester cuddle in the back of the car.

"Ok, well we are going home now we can sit down and relax a little."

"I can't wait." I say yawning.

Hi, guys. Happy late Easter. Thank you so much for 600 reads. Please, can you give me ideas on what to write because I want to involve you all in this story? There is gonna be a sequel to this story. I am thinking of ending at Hartley's 1st birthday but I'm not sure yet. What do you think? Thank you again for 600 reads guys. You guys are the best

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ