Chapter 35

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It has been four months since Sienna was born, she is a happy and healthy little girl. My bump has grown massively. Today Chester and I are going to the hospital to find out the gender of our new addition. I am scared shitless, to be honest but I hide it, it's the first time Chester and I go to the hospital together. For the twelve week scan, I had Mamrie and Hannah come with me because Chester was stuck in traffic.

"You ready babe?" Chester shouts from downstairs.

"Yeah just give me a sec. I can't put my jeans on. Actually come here a sec." I shout from upstairs. I hear Chester run upstairs and into our room.

"I'll help," Chester says grabbing the top of my jeans and pulling them up tight and lifting me up as he did so.

"Thanks, I can't believe we are having another baby."

"Nor can I. Right, let's go," Chester says grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs and help me into the car where Hatty was already strapped in.

It's a twenty-minute ride to get to the hospital. We walk in just as our name is called out. We all follow the midwife into the room.

"So how far along are you?" The midwife asks.

"About five months," I reply, as I climb up onto the bed and lift my shirt up.

The midwife gets herself ready and then gets the gel.

"It's going to be cold but hey you see your baby. Would you like to know the sex?" The midwife asks.

"Yes please." We both response together.

The Midwife moves the tick around my stomach.

"You're having a... Girl." The midwife announces.

The midwife's face turns from sweet to sour. I am guessing something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing too bad, it is just that she isn't growing as much as we hoped." She explains.

"Is there anything we can do for it?"Chester asks, holding my hand.

"Not really we just need to keep an eye out for her. It might mean that she is premature. What month into your pregnancy was it when you had your first?"

"I was in the seventh month."

"I see. You might only be able to carry to a certain month so she might just be premature. I would just keep that in mind. I want you to come back every week for weekly check ups please." The midwife explains.

"Ok, we will. Thank you, midwife." We shake hands then we head out to the car.

I get in on one side and Chester gets in on the driver's side. "She is going to come early. Something is wrong, I can just feel it. It's going to be like blob again." I sob as Chester starts to drive.

"Grace. Gracie, I promise she is going to be just fine. I promise." Chester says, kissing my forehead while still having his eyes on the road.


"I promise. Our little girl is going to be completely fine. We just need to get home and think of names." Chester smiles, driving us home. He parks the car then gets out and undoes the door for me. He picks me off my feet and brings me into the living room where Mamrie and Hannah were playing with Hartley.

"How is my little godson?"Hannah asks, rubbing my bump as Chester places me on the sofa.

"Well he is a she for starters and she is under growing so she is most likely to come early. It's also because I can only really carry to seven months because I have such a small figure." I explain.

"You are worrying Grace. I can read you like a book. What are you worried about?" Mamrie asks.

"I'm scared she isn't going to make it like littel blob." I explain, starting to tear up.

"Look I promise she is going to be fine."


"I promise you Grace Anne See." Chester says kissing me.

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now