Chapter 5

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It's been two months since I first found out. I hate being pregnant. I mean some days I can't even control my emotions. I went to target and bought a nightlight for the baby's room and I cried at the check out because I found a mint in my bag. So yeah that's fun. I am having my first scan and I get to listen to my baby's heartbeat. I get my notes today as well. My bump has got a little bigger, but it is still hideable. The viewers still suspect that I am pregnant but I have to keep reassuring them that I am not.

"Hey, Mamrie get in here now," I shout from the living room. She walks in slowly from the kitchen.

"What do you want?" She asks facing me, putting her hands on her hips.

"Can you pass me my shoes. Please, we have to get to the Doctor's in twenty minutes. Also, do you reckon she will be alright?" I ask grabbing my shoes from Mamrie's hands.

"She will be fine. How do you know it's a girl?" Mamrie says helping me up and helping me walk to the car. She helped me into the car because, to be honest, I'm just being very lazy. I'm using the excuse that I am pregnant, to get everyone to do everything for me. Might as well, if you get a chance. I know that's selfish but oh well.

" Hannah get out here. We need to get Grace to the hospital before her appointment." I hear Mamrie shout in the doorway.

After ten minutes we finally get to the hospital just in time. Which left ten minutes before my appointment. Once I know that the baby is healthy from this appointment then I will tell my viewers my camera is just gradually moving closer and closer to my face at the moment so no one knows and to try and hide me doing anything weird like holding the bump. The only people who know are my mom, Mamrie, Hannah and anyone who has done a not too deep podcast within the last two months. But I made everyone swear not to tell anyone, which they all agreed to.

I sit down in the waiting room and read a magazine and wait till my name pops up on the screen, which directs me to which room.

"Hey, my name is being called you guys want to come with me?" I say to Mamrie and Hannah.

"we would love to," Hannah says.

"If you're sure."Mamrie sighs.

"I'm sure, come on," I say, link arms with them, and walk to my room.

They help me onto the bed. After I finally get up on the bed, I lift up my top and wait for the Doctor to get her gloves on.

"Hello Miss Helbig so you are three months gone, so we can hear the little one's heartbeat today." The Doctor explains.  After taking all the outside measurements of my bump and weight, I get a cold jelly on my stomach and the Doctor moves the probe around on my stomach. Before she moves the screen so I can look, the sound was muted she takes the baby's measurements.

"Well, are you having a perfect healthy baby." She explains. 

"You sure, everything is ok, perfect weight, perfect size and heartbeat?" I ask, being concerned.

"Why don't you check out for yourself." She smiles, pushing the screen around to face me. On the screen, I could see a little blob, with a flicker of light. Then she unmuted the sound, to reveal the sound of a little heartbeat filling the room.

"The baby is perfectly healthy" She explains with a smile on her face. 

"She is beautiful Grace, I know it's only a little blob, but she looks so lush already. Grace that is your baby, you are growing her."Hannah cries. I look over to Mamrie to see she was also crying with happiness. 

"Hannah's right Grace, she is perfect, I can't wait to meet her," Mamrie says, wiping her tears. 

"She? You think it's a girl. Well in eight weeks time, your twenty weeks or five-month scan you can find out the gender, now would you like the photos or a video to take home with you today?" She asks.

"Um, can I have both please," I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says printing of the photos and getting the box ready for the video.  After collecting the photos and DVD I get back into the car, I spend the rest of the car journey staring at the photos of the baby.

"I can't believe this is really happening." I smile, passing the photo to Hannah.

"I know, she is going to be the best thing that is going to happen to you."

"Yeah. I still can't believe she is mine."

"You sent a picture of the baby to Chester or Jeff yet?" Mamrie laughs.

"No, I haven't even told them."

"Well, you need to Grace. This kid needs more than just a mom she needs a dad too. Now you get on that phone and you text them both Grace. They deserve to know." Mamrie, orders.

"I know, I know. I'm just scared that they are going to hate me for getting pregnant." I explain.

"Well, they should have been protected and you wouldn't be in this situation Grace. This is more their fault than yours. If only they could control their swimmers you wouldn't have the little one in you now." Mamrie sighs, driving into my driveway.

"Alright. I'm going now, so I will talk soon. Thanks for the lift." I smile, getting out of the car and going into my house. Being greeted by Goose as I go in. I go to my bedroom and start to undress as I run the shower. I step into the shower and as I stand in the shower, I let out a yelp as I get a sharp shooting pain in the side of my stomach.

I let out another yelp as the pain comes back. I look down and see blood running down my leg. I force myself out of the shower and quickly get changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. The fear of losing this baby was the only thing that was keeping me running. I drive myself to the ER calling Mamrie and Hannah on the way, and they would meet me there.

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