Chapter 9

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It's been a month since the #nofilter show. The hospital was able to slow down the labour then completely stop it. I have to go careful now because the baby doesn't have much fluid around it anymore, so it has a higher risk of being hurt or in serious cases death. The doctors said that the baby was alright and that I just need to take it slow and peaceful. We only have 4 more #nofiltershows left to do. My baby is due around the end of March beginning of April. I am having my baby gender scan today. I have invited Hannah and Mamrie around to come with me. I want them to be with me throughout it all. Jeff and Chester still don't know, I feel so bad, but I just don't have the courage to tell them. Hannah walks into my house and closes the door behind her. Goose quickly runs up to her and she pets her. 

"Hey Grace where are you?" Hannah shouts from the hallway while she takes off her shoes.

 "I'm in here," I answer getting up from the sofa, then walking into the hallway to greet Hannah. I can't hug anyone anymore, my bump gets in the way.

We both go into the living room and sit on the sofa. Goose tries to sit on my lap but once again the bum is in the way so she goes and sits on Hannah's lap. 

"So I think I need to tell my viewers today. Not through the video but through an Instagram photo of my bump." I whisper in fear. 

"You sure. You ready?" Hannah asks, taking a deep breath. 

"Yep, I am defiantly ready," I reply, unlocking my phone then handing Hannah my phone.

I pose for the photo and Hannah takes it then hands me my phone. I don't put any filters on it and then go to the next step. I write the caption, yeah so this happened. And before you say it's all fake. It's not. I'm 5 months along with an actually baby, I am finding out the gender today, so I have put a poll on twitter go vote on the gender. Why I am agreeing to this I will never know but I get a baby out of it. I know I'm not going to be the best mother ever but I'm going to try my hardest I promise, I'm going to give this baby everything it ever wants. #baby #pregnant #notregrettinganything #babyhelbig

After I send the photo within 1 minute #babyhelbig started trending. That when I knew it, my secret was not a secret no more. Then there it was the dreaded message. Chester had obviously seen it was trending and knew he had something to do with it.

Hey, Grace, I saw the announcement Congratulations. I need to know Is it mine? If it is then I want to help. I want to see my baby. I love you Grace and now I am thinking that, that one night stand might turn into something special.

I don't reply to the message, but Instead, I get ready to go to the hospital. Mamrie, Hannah and I all get into the car and then make our way to the hospital.

"What do you think it is going to be?" I ask Hannah and Mamrie.

"I think it's going to be a boy," Hannah explains.

"It's a girl," Mamrie asks bluntly.

"What about you Helbig?" Hannah asks.

"I think it's going to be a girl," I explain as we drive into a parking space and park. I get out the car with my maternity notes and my bag. Mamrie and Hannah help me into the hospital and we wait for my name to be called. My name was called and Hannah and Mamrie came into the room with me. They help me onto the bed and I lift my top up to my bra. The midwife takes measurements of my outer bump then gets the cold gel and spreads it onto my stomach, casuing me to shiver. She moves the probe around my stomach and takes measurements of the baby.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"She asks, before moving the screen around.

"Yes please, If it isn't any bother." I smile, holding Hannah's hand.

"Grace, you ready to meet your little girl." Mamrie laughs kissing my forehead.

"So you guys think it's a girl?" 

"Yeah, everyone except Hannah," I explain

"Well... Hannah is right. You are having a bouncing baby boy!" The midwife says, moving the screen around to reveal the sex. The sound was unmuted to reveal a good strong heart beat.

"A BOY." I cry, I turn my head to see Hannah and Mamrie also crying.

"We have a little nephew." Mamrie cries, hugging Hannah then me.

"Congratulations Miss Helbig. I will get these photos printed out." the midwife says passing me a towel to rub the gel off my stomach. I pull down my shirt and Mamrie and Hannah helps me off the bed. By the time I was off the bed, the midwife was back with my photos. She puts then into a frame then I thank her and make my way to the car.

"I can't believe I'm having a son."

"I can't believe you're having a baby full stop." Hannah joke.

"Now, I can't wait to buy him his first drink." Mamrie laughs, pulling into my driveway.

"Now you can think of boy's names." Hannah smiles as Mamrie drives me back to my apartment.

"Tomorrow you have to come round and help me think of names. He is going to be a proper mommy's boy," I exclaim getting out the car.

"Now go and get some decent sleep. You need all the rest you can before your little handsome man comes along."Mamrie smiles.

"I will, thank you for being there for me. Night guys." I say, walking off away from the car

"Night Smace Smellbig." Hannah giggles. I stand on the doorstep and wave the car off. I watch as they ride off till I can't see them anymore. Then I head inside and get some beauty sleep.

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