Slot Machines & Sponsorships

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Las Vegas is known for its casinos, and their infamous slot machines. Milena Seble takes place in this renowned gambling city, and what better way to bring you the Las Vegas feel then to let you, writers, gamble a little bit yourselves? These Author Games, we're introducing a new feature - slot machines.

How they work:

To play the slot machines, you will have to pay 2 points from your total score/ranking. Your scores will be converted into money, and this money is something you can use on the slot machines. Let's say, Task One you get a score of 9, and wish to use the slot machines once Task Two is posted. After using the slot machines, you will have a -2 automatically subtracted from your Task Two score. If Task Two you score a 10, you will have an 8 as your total score that will go towards your rank. Your total rank will be at a 17. If you don't quite understand this concept, please do not hesitate to ask in comments or PM. It's our job to make everything crystal clear, and this is definitely new to everyone, so please do ask if you have a question.


Everyone loves prizes. That's the whole point of having slot machines- to spend money and get rewards, and this is no different. You have a 6/7 chance to win something and a 1/7 to get absolutely nothing. These are slot machines, not prize machines, so there is that small chance you will walk away with a -2 points and nothing else. However, it is a small chance, and you will get something as reward majority of the time. You may also use the slot machines however many times you want up until Quarterfinals.


- Your kills halved for the task of your choice up until Quarterfinals. For those of you new, kills are deductions you take from other players balloting you.

- A +250 words on the word limit for a task of your choice up until Quarterfinals

- No word limit at all. Meaning, regardless of the word limit we give, you can use this prize and you will have no word limit for that task, up until Quarterfinals.

- Notes on an entry of your choice. For those of you new, notes are basically critiques, and advice on how to improve for higher scores and better quality. This can also only be used up until Quarterfinals.

- Task advice. This is a prize where we give you advice on what you could write for a task of your choice. Not a straight up, "write this and we'll give you a 12" but general advice on what we're looking for this task, be it, characterization, emotion, action, etc. However, these will be short responses and may not exceed 250 words of what we're looking for that task. Also only available up until Quarterfinals.

- Extra ballots. The amount of ballots we give you each task will be in a range between 1-3, and if you use this prize we can give you an extra 2 ballots to use to deduct someone else's score.

- Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

These prizes can only be cashed in once, and once only. Unless you win again.

You may also use multiple prizes at once. Meaning, if you won extra ballots and task advice, you can use them on the same task.

Your prizes may also be cashed in on other people. Basically, if Kol Deyman won the 'Notes' prize, he can use his prize on Zahra Adesso, and Zahra Adesso can receive the notes on a task of her choice instead of Kol Deyman.

If any of this is confusing to you, please don't be afraid to ask. We don't bite, and it's our job to make everything as crystal clear as can be. Comment, or PM, we will be happy to shed some light on the situation.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are we competing against each other for the prizes on the slots?

Author Games: Ace of SpadesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora