Semifinals: Dawn Everhart

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Perhaps Dawn Everhart had felt regret, compassion, and bravery in the past night, but despite all of her efforts, she would always end up to be the naïve girl she was by heart. She held youth within her soul and spirit, but despite her bright enthusiasm, her intelligence would always be too shallow. Her mind could never overpower her heart no matter her command, because love was perhaps the strongest of emotions. She felt for those around her regardless of their own behaviors, and those were the times when all of her calculations of possibility were ignored. They were the moments in which nothing was impossible and when Dawn was truly what her heart deemed her to be.

"You have all played well tonight, and you are each a champion in your own right," Zahra spoke in a regal manner, talking for all of the Aces who stood beside her. She glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of everyone who stood inside. "Yet it was only one of you who played our very last game, all of it by chance. You have made the final decision of the night, and as we are honest, we, the Aces, will stay true to our word." The Ace's gaze lingered on Dawn longer than it should have, her confidence reflecting off the younger woman. She could not hold the same demeanour when all she felt inside was regret for her decision. Her choice had been difficult, and Dawn knew that whatever decision she had made, she would never be satisfied with its outcome. The guilt would forever reside in her heart, deep inside where it was to be untouched.

As Dawn glanced at all those around her, she felt the strong sorrow of her mother's coming death morph to something softer as she felt a touch of gentle empathy blossom inside of her. It was the small seed of a young plant, perhaps planted by her mother's love, but it was undoubtedly there. She shouldn't regret her decision; her mother would never want her to. It would only lead her to depression's darkness, where even joy's bright glow could not bring her back. She would live a happier life with the memories of that night and all the events beforehand to be buried deep within; it was all for the best. Her mother would always live inside of her where she would always be able to speak to her.

Be sensible.

"All of you will be free to go, but none of you will receive the money because no one has truly won," Zahra concluded as she turned to the other Aces beside her. They nodded in agreement, their eyes still trained on the six remaining tributes. Glances were exchanged amongst them all as they absorbed the information that seemed to be too good to be true. Dawn knew that there was something else going on, there had to be. It was all just a lake with deep waters in which monsters lurked. Its surface was shrouded in a veil of thick mist, concealing all that hid beneath with a serene facade. But even as Dawn searched the faces of all the Aces for signs of another plan, she knew that as players, their poker faces would always be some of the best. Ren was the first to turn towards the door, stepping towards his freedom. He never made it far enough.

"No! I will not let everything go to a waste. You all know too much, and that means that you all have to die. If these cowards can't do it, then I will," Mort exclaimed as I retrieved a silver gun from his coat pocket. Its surface was sleek, and the barrel seemed to shimmer in the dimmed lighting. The Aces turned towards the Joker, disagreement clearly written on their faces.

"No," Emerson spoke. "We agreed to their terms."

"We have to let them go, we made a promise," Arcana said, nodding in agreement.

"They know too much, so that means they'll have to die," Mort argued as he raised his gun. It was pointed at Ren, the man who had stepped out of line first. He ran for it, his legs carrying him far as he reached for the door out. Kol jumped to tackle the Joker, but it was too late. Mort had already pulled the trigger, and everyone could only watch in silence as the bullet sliced through the air towards the young man. Ren was so close to freedom, only steps away, but as the bullet found its way into his heart, he was left to be nothing more than death's victim. As his legs and arms stopped their movement and his body crumpled to the ground, Dawn knew that she and the rest of the players were just puppets. The Aces were too because the Joker controlled them all. He pulled the strings as he wished, killing off any of his puppets when he deemed fit. It was just a show; it had always been just a show.

Be brave.

After Ren's body hit the ground, the dark crimson of his blood pooling around him, did chaos finally break loose. The Aces jumped at Mort, trying to stop the murder. The gun was still loose, and the Joker fired it repeatedly in any possible direction. Bullets flew randomly, and targets were shot down. As the players scrambled around the room, hurrying towards the door to escape the entire mess, Dawn heard the agonizing scream of a female. Even in pain, Florence French managed to make her sound pretty despite its high tone. Dawn saw the woman fall in the middle of the misconduct, her body still shaking in misery and fear.

Be compassionate.

The sound of the bullets streaking through the air mixed with the screams of all those falling was a complete cacophony; a horrid combination of sounds to Dawn's ears. She didn't even realize that she had dropped the photo frame she had once held until it hit the floor. The glass shattered to a number of small shards, each as sharp as a violent blade. The wood chipped, and crumbles of its smooth framework turned jagged as they fall apart. The picture itself was torn, and Dawn knew exactly what it meant. It was never meant for more than one player to survive; there was always to be only a sole survivor. As the players ran towards the door, Dawn sprinted towards Florence. She was still alive; she still had a chance.

"Get up!" Dawn cried out over all the noise as she held out a hand. Florence looked at her in fear, but as she moved opened her mouth to speak, another blast of a bullet shook the atmosphere. As it penetrated Florence's skin, Dawn cried out for the woman. She could only watch in a painful silence as the woman fell, a expression of apprehension still frozen on her face.

Be yourself.

Looking back up at the door, Dawn realized that there was no use helping anyone. The other three had already gotten out, and the Aces were still struggling with Mort and the gun. Dawn had to get out before it was too late; before her own life was taken. Sprinting towards the door, the young woman knew what it meant to truly run for her life. Freedom was only yards away, and as she entered its domain without looking back, she knew that she was doing the right thing.

For once in her life, Dawn Everhart was truly free. She was spreading out her wings and soaring the sky without any chains or restraints. There was no one to guide her with a rope because she was growing older as she learned the truth behind responsibilities. She was learning to accept everything about becoming an adult. Dawn was beginning her new life without her mother. It would be a life true to herself because it was her life, and her life alone.

Author Games: Ace of SpadesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz