Male Seven - Dr. Henry West Jr. (Puke-A-Tronic)

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Name: Doctor Henry Herbert Waterford West Jr.

Age: Looks about twenty-seven

Appearance: Dr. West is a tall lanky man. His skin pale from the lack of sunlight. Everything about him is well maintained, from his meticulous manicure to his slicked-back head of white hair. His smile is wide and carnivorous, with what feels like too many shiny, clean teeth leering out at you. His eyes are troubled. He always wears a suit, even while he tinkers with the abominations he grows in his basement.

Background: Dr. West is a scientist at heart. His father was a monster, albeit he was never really around much. West discovered the joys of causing pain very young, and he trained to be a psychologist and a psychiatrist. He was disbarred from the practice after his long recreational use of Lysergic acid diethylamide was exposed. It was also thought that many of his patients killed themselves soon afterwards because he was dosing them with something far more powerful. This has not been proven. West now lives in the mountains of Utah, where he isn't seen for months at a time.

Motivation: He plans on using the money to purchase large quantities of research chemicals. He lives for the research and willingly puts himself in harm's way so that his research goes undamaged. It is his reason for existing.

Suit: Spades.

Reparation Agreement:

The Chair and organizers of the Milena Seble 2016, hereinafter called indemnities, have agreed to sponsor Dr. Henry West Jr. with the following resources to participate in said event and to use various facilities at the designated meet site.

J. Borgorov is desirous of holding indemnities free from any and all claims whatsoever arising out of the use of the above facilities of Casino Milena Seble.

Dated: 3/1/2016

M. Mort

Emerson Monroe

Kol Deyman

Zahra Adesso

Arcana Lustrai

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now