Female Two - Emma Smith (Squad53)

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Name: Emma Smith (This is the name she's decided on for this week, at least.)

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Appearance: Emma is a woman of disguise. Her hair and eye color change constantly, shifting as she takes on a new persona. However, her natural eye color is a piercing blue that is relatively hard to mask with contacts. Luckily, her natural hair is a bright blond, easily covered by various dyes. Her thin, athletic figure provides her an easy mean for escape should she need to run, and is easily distorted by carefully placed padding or baggy clothes. It's almost as if everything about her is built to be on the run at any given moment.

Personality: If you are one of the few people to know Emma's true name, then you would also know her real personality. But that personality is long gone, buried with her name, deep in a place where even Emma can't remember. The door was locked and the key thrown away. Now, she is silent unless spoken to, and keeps her head down. She seems to disappear into any crowd she is by, and almost blends into walls. Her once cheerful smile has been replaced by a constant look of fear or pain. The old Emma is long gone.

Background: Ever since she was young, Emma's been on the run. What she's running from has been the only thing changing. First, it was her abusive parents. Later, foster parents. Police, friends, love, life itself. Emma has been running her whole life. Until she met Luke. When she met Luke, she stopped running and decided to stay in one place. It was a match made in Heaven. They stole, lived, and conned people together. Everything was perfect. Perfect, that is, until Emma herself was conned. Luke took all the money they stole together, and blamed everything on her. Ever since then, she's been on the run once again.

Motivation: She needs money to pay back her numerous debts, despite them not being hers to pay. She got mixed with the wrong crowd, and her life might be the price if she can't gather up enough money.

Suit: Spade

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now