Semifinals: Voting

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The time has come again for our lovely competitors to face what feels like hell. We would love to keep you all here, (as we have fallen in love with your tributes) but unfortunately it's never so. To keep this competition up and running, the following people up for votes are: 

Adam Burke

Florence French

Addilyn Devella

Dawn Everhart

These are the four individuals up for votes. Following the same voting format as the previous round, each competitor will start out with a certain amount of votes that equals their score for this elimination round. All scores were out of 24, as the number has increased to widen the gap a bit to put quality over popularity. This is to make sure that the playing fields are at least somewhat level. 

Speaking of leveled playing fields, we're sure most of you have seen the recent chapter regarding fairness towards voting, and we are delighted with how much support it received. That being said, hopefully it's encouraged more of you to try and not vote biased, and we hope it's provided enough inspiration to vote for the two most deserving competitors you would like to see move on to Finals. Please do not vote based on friendship, or strategically.

When reading entries, please keep in mind who seemed to work the hardest (as those are typically most deserving), and who seemed to have the most enjoyable entry. We hope that we have some voters that are pro-fairness, and that our most hard-working writers don't have others' biases turn against them. 

That also being said, we thank any of you who contribute votes to our games. 

: )

PM the names of the two semi-finalists you would like to see advance to the last task of Ace of Spades. Any votes with more or less than two, will not count. 

You may vote for yourself. 

Voting closes on Monday, June 13th , at 1 PM BST

**Additional Note**

As far as the elimination goes, it's impossible to avoid transparency of anyone eliminated during a Finals, since it almost goes without saying who was eliminated. Some of you may have noticed, but Sushi Wasabi Salmon and Cupcake Maybelline Sprinkles have been eliminated from Ace of Spades. There was suspicious activity during voting, and we find it necessary to keep our evidence confidential to protect their reputations as much as we can. We would like to deeply emphasize that although this occurred in our Games, this does not mean it will occur in your Games/Games you are competing in. We welcome them to any of our future Games, and hope that no one takes this personally. 

Thank you. 

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