Male One - Adam Burke (josie-tee)

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Name: Adam Burke

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Appearance: Thick black hair adorns Adam's head, nearly adding two inches in volume to his height. He changes the style every few months to suit his fancy, but always keeps it sleek and elegant, like the rest of his personality. His skin sits between pale and tan, and combined with the almond-shaped mono-lidded eyes he has, betrayed his Korean ancestry. He likes to dress well and keep himself tidy, which includes making sure his teeth are cloud-white and eyes bright, sparkling chesnut.

Personality: Adam calls himself self-aware - others would call him pretentious, prideful, pessimistic. Like any other rich, showy writer, he likes to make comments full of irony and symbolism, but never contributes much else to a conversation. He figures his looks are contributing enough. Still, Adam can be friendly and even kind, though he usually stifles those in favor of aloofness and apathy.

Background: His parents, who adopted the "American" names William and Eve, are both top CEOs for a start-up. They both have amassed a sizable fortune in working and are living the American dream, complete with their 2 kids, Adam and Jessa. Adam, as the oldest, was always taught to be silent and pretty for company dinners, something he's retained, and never really wanted for anything. Now, though, with his own future uncertain, he wants to be his own business leader - he just doesn't have the funds other than what Mummy and Dad have put on his personal credit card.

Motivation: He doesn't want to be beholden to his parents for money any longer.

Suit: Clubs

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now