Female Four - Sushi Wasabi Salmon (WhovianHorseLover)

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Name: Sushi Wasabi Salmon

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Appearance: It is no secret that Sushi is part Asian. Or more specifically, part Japanese. She boasts a thin, slender physique with almond-shaped brown irises which always dart here and there with childlike curiosity. Her face takes on a more oval shape, with healthy peachy-colored skin and lips. Sushi's long hair is dyed an artificial shade of red that everyone knows is fake at first glance, yet still gives off a striking ambiance of excitement and boldness which compliments the girl's personality extremely well. She stands at an average height of 5'4", and prefers to wear lighter, more casual types of clothing such as t-shirts and short denim jeans rather than formal dresses and heels.

Personality: There are three main things that Sushi possesses which captures people's attention almost immediately. Firstly, her unusual and unique name. Secondly, the vibrant shade of her hair. And lastly, the air of bubbliness and delight which Sushi always radiates. She is a very lively girl, full of life and energy, and many comment that she speaks and acts as if she has no care in the world. Indeed, her motto is, "Have fun. Task risks. Live life." – something she most probably got off of tumblr (which she is addicted to) – yet still very inspiring to the twenty-one-year-old. Very since a very young age, Sushi has dreamed on becoming great, making a mark in history so that her name would be passed down from generation to generation, and since she has yet to discover a talent or profession for herself, Sushi is very outgoing and ready to try new things.

Background: Sushi's background and past is surprisingly ordinary compared to the rest of her. Her parents who both originated from Japan were devote food fanatics especially in the field of – you guessed it – Japanese cuisine. Having first met at a sushi bar, the girl's parents decided to name their only daughter in honor of the food which brought them together. She grew up eating everything kind of food from every type of culture imaginable – from Chinese to French to English to Egyptian, and has been trained from an early age to be open-minded and accepting to any religion or belief by her extrovert parents, though chiefly by her mother. Throughout her years in school, Sushi received average grades, never excelling nor failing in any subject. Thus, she graduated high school struggling to discover her passion in life, her natural talent. The next few years Sushi spent travelling around the US and then ultimately decided to sign up and spend a night at the Milena Seblie. It was a new and thrilling opportunity, and the million dollars served as an excellent bonus.

Motivation: She simply wishes to try new things, and since Sushi has literally never gambled before, she guessed that this would be a superb chance for her to learn the art of betting. Deeper down though, Sushi hopes that during her stay at the Casino, somehow inspiration would come flowing to her heart and soul and motivate her to find her dream job.

Suit: Hearts

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now