Chapter 1

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"Francis?" Arthur gripped tighter onto his older friends hand as they wandered into the surrounding forest of their small village, making sure not to head to far into the darkness. Most people who entered either ended up where they started or never came back. "Oui, Arthur." The French boy replied.

Arthur was never sure where he had received the accent he spoke with from. All he knew is what Francis told him, when he was only five years old he had been brought to the little village they now resided in one day and he never knew why. He had tried to run back to where he was born but never could escape. That's all Francis remembered, maybe it was just to hard for him to tell.

"One day. I'm going to get out of here. I'll bring you with me. And we will go on wonderful adventures!" Arthur smiled up at the blue sky blanketed over their heads. Francis laughed, "j'adore your optimism, petite lapin." Francis ruffled Arthur's hair.

"One day, we shall be chosen. And we shall live out the destiny we are given when we get there." Francis smiled down at the forest floor as he strolled. But Arthur on the other hand stopped dead in his tracks. "No Francis." Arthur's bottom lip quivered, "I don't want to go, I don't want him to take me." Arthur cried pulling away from Francis's grasp. The French boy turned to look at the younger, placing his hands on his shoulder and looking him in the eye. "You will be my dark sorcerer and I shall be the prince. And we shall-" "NO! Please no! I do not want too!" Arthur shook his head violently. "He will take us far away and we will be happy. In our rightful places." Arthur screamed blue murder as he ripped away from Francis and ran back towards the village. Wiping tears from his emerald eyes, this isn't want he wanted. This wasn't fair.

But Arthur knew when he grew old enough. He would be taken from those he adored so dearly and dragged to the place he so wished not to be. People told him it would be an honour, some said he's make them proud. Some thought the boy mad, off his head. Just like all the other people who believed in the stories. Stories of a dark man coming in the night to drag to poor children away.
One Good and One Evil.
That's how it was meant to be.
Good lived happily ever after.
Evil died alone with no hope.
That is how it was always meant to be.

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