Chapter 16

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Alfred held his cheek as Michelle ran to his side. "Oh gosh! Are you okay?" She touched his cheek looking the other in the eye. "Don't fuss over me. You're not my mother and I'm not a child." He pushed her wrist away. "Alfred?" Her eyes widened, "Im just trying to help you..." she furrowed her brow. "MAYBE I DON'T NEED ANY HELP!" He yelled at her, his face red with fury. He glared at her, she took a step back shocked. Tears filled her beautiful eyes, but as quick as it came her fearful expression changed drastically and she slapped Alfred across the other cheek. "Fuck you." She stormed off in the over direction from the way Arthur had went, back into the Ever Castle.

Alfred felt everyone backing away from him. He was unsure why he was so angry at Michelle. She was only trying to help. Alfred sighed, now he felt even more sad. He'd lost two of the most important people in less than 5 seconds.

When teachers started walking around asking questions Alfred made a quick escape back into the ever school. Weeks went by and Evers started noticing a change in Alfred. His skin had paled and his hair hd dulled and become less silky. He wasn't happy, Michelle ignore him and he had heard rumours of Arthur not leaving his room for anything except classes and eating. But he never spoke anymore. Alfred was angry at the school systems and people's views, not to mention himself. Alfred soon apologised to Michelle and she forgave him. She was kind and very forgiving, the Ever that everyone aspired to be... but she no longer wanted to date Alfred or accompany him to the dance. She believed remaining friends would be the best option.

A few weeks before the dance Alfred heard talking from other students. Especially Nevers whilst they ate outside.
"Arthur's planning something... he's been reading a lot of books lately."
"So he likes reading... doesn't make him strange."
"It's not that... its books on how to destroy and Ever... shit like that..."
"Maybe its for a class?..."
"That's true..."
This pricked Alfred's attention. Anytime he tried to make contact with the other male he only got glares and tuts or huffs in response. Alfred just took it for angry but now he was feeling paranoid.

He began carrying around his sword in and out of lesson. He had a dagger under his pillow. He practised his hardest in self defence class. He didn't want to hurt Arthur unless it was to protect himself.

Evil attacks, good defends.

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