Chapter 8

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Alfred bounced up uncomfortably in his chair.
It was all that jerky Never's fault he was in here.
The school had never given and Ever a detonation before but they were trying to be more equal this year meaning some punishments were shared.
Like sitting in the only classroom made of ice in the school for evil with someone you hate to the core.
He looked over at the bushy eyebrowed boy. And lowered his own brow.
Why did he look so neat and pristine. He was meant to be evil. You know dirty and smelly. Brings fear to the ladies and hate to the gents.
The only thing Alfred hated was how he looked so handsome and he wasn't even trying, he sunk into his chair and picked at the silver swan pouting.
"Your face will freeze that way especially in this classroom." The boy snarked.
Alfred hugged but stopped pouting just in case. He watched this boy from. The corner of his eyes seeing his every move.
He didn't do anything but sit looking ahead hugging and sighing. Alfred decided he would be the better person and speak up.
"My name's Alfred. Alfred F.Jones. You can call me the hero, did I mention I'm Royalty!" He bragged looking over with a smirk.
"My name is I Don't Give A Shit. You can call me Fuck Off. What's the middle name stand for? Fat? What are you royalty of? Thickania?" The other snapped causing Alfred to scowl and glare at him.
After a a while the Never spoke up again. "My name is Arthur. Arthur Kirkland." He sighed.
Alfred smiled "Artie." He nodded.
"No. It's just Arthur i hate silly nicknames." He looked away crossing this arms.
"Well, whatever you say Artie." He said purposely to annoy him.
Arthur clenched his teeth then sighed and kept looking away.
"Who knew a Never could be bullied by an Ever." Arthur shook his head and tut.
What, no no no. Alfred was meant to be the good one, he scowled. "I think it's the other way."
Arthur was about to fight back when I teacher walked in and removed Alfred from the classroom. Arthur watched in confusion. "Your letting him go? But that seems hardly fair he started the fight..." He lowered his brow. The teacher ignored him and closed the detention room door.
Alfred couldn't help but smirk. But as he got further away he felt a deep feeling, like a well. He sighed thinking how unfair it was towards Arthur just because he's a Never. He imagined  him sitting alone and it broke his heart.
He shook it off quickly and walked fast to catch up with the teacher."

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