Chapter 24

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He was running. And he didn't stop running. Arthur's legs carried his body all the way to the centre of town and he couldn't seem to stop them. He was out of breath and sweat seemed as if it was pouring out of him. His legs even ached but he couldn't stop.
Alfred. It had to be him. Please be him.
He took deep breaths as he ran so he could keep himself going until he saw a mass crowd of people.
"E-excuse me..." Arthur tried to squeeze past but they wouldn't move "Pardon me I need to get through..." he said calmly but slightly out of breath.
"Oi. We are all trying to see the prince and he's less likely to want 'to see you."
A women told him as she clung to her husband's arms.
Arthur could tell her that she asked him specifically. Or that he knew the so called prince. Which he hoped he really did. But he just stared her in the eye. "Fuck off."
He pushed past and stumbled out into the centre of the human ring and on to the floor.
It went silent as Arthur gasped for breath. He looked in front of him to see dark leather boots, belonging to someone who stood ahead of him. His head started to tilt upwards as he looked up the body.
A wide eyed boy stared right back. He could see the males breathing picking up.  "Artie?" His American accent was soft as he spoke, he was shocked "You're real..."
"Don't call me that, idiot." Arthur rolled his eyes.
Alfred laughed and lifted Arthur up and swung him round in his arms. "Oh Artie! Oh Arthur!" He pulled him into a hug and held him close. "Oh Arthur..." he whispered.
Arthur's thoughts readjusted as his dream memories came flooding back into his mind. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. "Alfie..." he whispered and finally embraced him.

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