Chapter 5

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"Stop hitting the wall with that stupid ball!"  A angered voice came from the room next door. A soft chuckle was let out across the room, "That's Luddy- ergh I mean..." The Italian looked quickly across the room at his brother who had his headphones plugged it. The younger let out a sigh. "That's Ludwig. He can be quite strict sometimes." He chuckled again.
Alfred hadn't arrived long ago and he had already meet 2 out of 3 of his roommates... Where was the other? Nah. They'd be here soon.
"Yo! Sorry Dude!" Alfred yelled with a laugh making his apology sound forced.
"Oh I'm Feliciano! My friends call me Feli." The blood orange haired Italian smiled at Alfred, he walked to the brunette Italian and pulled his earphone out of one of his ear. "This is my Fratello! Lovino! Don't call him, Lovi. He doesn't like it." Feli smiled, Lovino turned to look at Alfred looking unimpressed.
"Nice to meet ya', I'm Alfred!" Alfred smiled pointing to himself with his thumb. "H-" "Fuck Off." Lovino interrupted Feli, snatching his headphone back and going back to listening to his music. "Sorry." Feli smiled weakly, "Nah. It's cool." Alfred smiled a bit startled.
Suddenly the door opened and another male stepped inside, his hair was long and blonde in large ringlets. You may have thought such a style would be odd for a male but it was rather fetching on him. "Bonjour!" He smiled at everyone, "I'm Francis! Francis Bonnefoy." He strode up to Alfred, "How wonderful it is to meet you." he winked kissing Alfred's cheek. He then proceeded to kiss Feli who blushed with a giggle, he walked over to Lovino who tried to hit him in the face. "YOU SMELL OF WINE! BASTARD!" He yelled as the Frenchman tried to kiss him.
Alfred had meet odd characters in his time but everyone at this school... They were really weird. He stood up and quickly left the room, getting away with his overly friendly dormmates... Bar one.
Alfred was a prince, destined to marry a princess and rule his father's kingdom. But lately... Nah forget it. He couldn't say he didn't want to be a prince. Just because princesses weren't his style... Not that he didn't like girls. Girls are hot. Yeah. real hot...
He could just rule on his own if push comes to shove.
Alfred walked for a while until he came to the gardens of the School for good. That's where he was now. His new home until he graduated into his fairytale. They taught you the basics of being a Prince Charming and whatever. But honestly Alfred already knew he was the awesomest prince around. So he didn't need teachin' but it couldn't hurt he guessed.
Alfred wandered round for a while until he came to a balcony over looking the shimmering rivers below the towers of the school. He smiled admiring the sparkling blue his eyes traveled along it till it stopped and changed to a dark emerald. He had seen it on the way in, the barrier between the schools where the rivers changed colour. He heard people making remarks on how it was ugly just like the rest of the school for evil. But Alfred thought it looked quite beautiful. He liked the way the green and the blue looked together. And it made him smile brighter.
He sighed happily when he suddenly felt a cold touch on his shoulder he swung around quick pace to see a tall women in a white dress towering over him. "Breaking the rules already, Mr Jones?" The lady spoke, her voice delicate and soft.
"Have we meet?" Alfred raised his brow,
"I'm a teacher I know everyone's name." She said looking down at him still.
"Right. How am I breaking the rules?" Alfred asked confused.
"Well first off your not in uniform and second your not downstairs with the others. The princes make their grand entrance to the hall in 5 minutes. So run along."  She said pushing on his shoulders, Alfred walked quickly back to his dorm shaking his head. That was pretty embarrassing. He was hoping his new dorm mates where still there because he had no fucking idea where he was supposed to be going.
What a great way to start the year...
Author's note:
Sorry I haven't updated in forever. But I quickly wrote this to apologise. The next chapter will be longer but I thought it was high time we introduced the Hero to this story. Any who, I hope you enjoyed. This chapter wasn't the best. OH AND FRANCIS IS ALIVE! Praise da lord. X

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