Chapter 4

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Arthur slowly gained consciousness, he no longer felt as if he was being dragged about but he lay flat against some kind of cold surface. He opened his eyes but felt a sharp slap against his left cheek. He gasped sitting up in shock. His own cold hand flying up to cover his raw cheek.

"Whoops." A voice replied, Arthur looked up to see a short boy all in red. He had strawberry blonde almost brunette hair. And Amber coloured eyes, it was strange. Arthur had never seen such an eye colour on anyone before.

"It isn't best to fall asleep when being dropped into river." The boy smiled, revealing strangely sharp teeth. He had a strange accent, Russian? No, no, Romanian. He held out a hand and when Arthur took it he pulled hint Ovid feet. "Apologise. Ergh, I'm guessing you pull me out of said river." Arthur brushed himself of trying to not look completely confused. "Yes." The boy replied. Arthur looked around, he saw a river green and swimming with figures. The dark atmosphere revealed none of his other surrounding except a tall dark castle like building ahead of him.

Arthur swallowed harshly, "Ergh, well thank you." Arthur tried to smile, he wasn't very used to it and it wasn't a genuine smile. "Arthur Kirkland." Arthur put out a hand and the boy shook it willingly. "Vladimir, Vladimir Popescu." Vladimir replied. "And I may sound completely stupid but, where the bloody hell are we? And why was I in a river?" Arthur asked pulling his hand away.

"You were taken, yes?" Vladimir asked, Arthur nodded in return. "Well, you see those birds?" He continued pointing upwards at a bird like shadow swooping across the sky. "Well bird took you from school master and carried you here. And easiest way to drop you off is to actually drop you into river below. But I had to pull you out as you decided to take a small nap." The boy explained, Arthur found it hard to fully understand what Vladimir was exactly talking about but he nodded politely getting the jist of it. "This... Is the school for evil." Vladimir continued. Arthur's smile fell, this was the place he dreaded. The place he wished to never go. How many times he had cried out of fear. Wishing, praying to never be chosen. Now... He was here. There was no leaving. Arthur had heard all the tales. The rhyme. The last line always hit him like a brick.

'The Only Way Out Is Through A Fairytale'

The only way Arthur could escape this hell now was to start his story. Seeing as he had been classed as a villain. He would probably end up dead. Not something Arthur had in mind for future plans.

He felt a harsh shove hit his back as wolf like creature pushed Vladimir towards the school entrance. The pair continued walking towards the school, "W-What was that thing?" Arthur mumbled sticking close to the sharp toothed boy. "That is Guard. They make sure no one tries to escape." Vladimir whispered to Arthur as they past another group of wolves.

"No Talking!" One growled violently saliva flying on to the pair. "Nu am cerut un duș, lup prost! plec!" Vladimir brow furrowed as he grabbed Arthur by the sleeve pulling him quickly inside the dark decrepit school. Arthur's eyes flickered everywhere as he was engulfed in darkness.

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