Chapter 20

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"He is mine! I love him!" Alfred moved closer to Arthur. The Brit clenched his fists as tears grew in his eyes "you don't! You don't own him!" His hands were shining a bright blue. His breaths heavy. "You're right! I don't own him! I don't own anyone! Everyone is their own person! But I want no one else to love you like I love you, Artie! I want you to be my boyfriend. Mine! See I said it." He smiled. "Just take deep breaths. Calm down. We will go on a walk and talk about this? Okay?" Alfred nodded. Arthur took deep breaths as he stared at Alfred in complete fear. His eyes were his again. They were green and bright and beautiful just how Alfred liked them.
A shot of light flew past Alfred's ear and as it did, everything became slow motion. He gasped softly as Arthur reverted to fear and he flew backwards the light hitting his chest.
Author's note: I'm building tension. That's why the chapter is rather short, I'm sorry.

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